A weird sensation, something closer to a tickle in my mind, washes over me

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Welcome back, or welcome to the first time, all my cuties! As always I'm so excited to sharing this with all of you, and I really hope you like it. If you do then please, please, please vote and comment, and again feedback is always welcome. Love ya!

Lets get to todays playlist:

Electric Eyes by Judas Priest

Odd Behavior by Zealyn

Where's My Mind by Pixies 

Lose Your Soul by Dead Man's Bones


"How was school?" My mom asks to get me to slow down. She made an extraordinarily special meal that I don't even taste. I don't want to miss meeting Charlie for this class I was excited about.

"It was fine." I say between ravenous bites.

"Did you make friends?" She savored each bite. Her tone of one of she had a point she was waiting to make. Wonderful.

"A few." I direct my eyes towards her, expecting her to bring up anything that she was conscious of without me mentioning it, as she always did.

To my surprise, it's Aaron that speaks up. "Yeah, and she has a boyfriend who kicked another kid's ass." He laughs.

My dad, who was entertaining himself with my animalistic eating frenzy, snaps to attention. "She has a what? Who did what?"

I glare at my brothers. "How do you know about that?"

"You have what, that did what?" Dad verges on screaming.

"Everyone knows everything in small towns." Caleb answers with a shrug.

"No one has a boyfriend that kicks other kids' asses."

"He's not my boyfriend. I met him today."

"Did he kick a kid's ass?"

"I mean yeah?" I scoff. "But he deserved it."


My mom peacefully bit into her chicken, of course, she already knew. "Yes, honey?"

"Talk to your daughter! She can't be going out."

"Mom!" I shriek. "Charlie is going to be waiting for me!"

"Charlie! Is that the guy that kicked another kid's ass?"

"Charlie is a girl, Dad." I roll my eyes at him.

"Do you need a ride?" My mom asks.

"No! She cannot go!" Dad stands, hands placed on the table before him.

"I know who Charlotte Burke is, or at least her mom is the principal. Isn't that right?"

"How do you know that?" I stare at mom.

"Mrs. Burke called me. She came across as extremely kind, extending a warm welcome to us in the town and expressing her admiration for your transcripts. She was looking forward to getting to know you, especially since you seemed to have formed a friendship with her daughter and her niece."

"Syd," He wearily lowered himself into the chair, his voice devoid of any fight. "Are you sure?"

"Diego, I've talked to enough people to understand what to expect from the community art classes, she will not be getting into trouble."

Mind: Immortal Imbalance Book 1Where stories live. Discover now