Then, I hear the moaning.

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This book is about blood suckers, so I think I will only put a disclaimer for blood if it's graphic, so this will be my only time really mentioning it, yes, like the 2007 Daniel Day-Lewis masterpiece: There WILL be blood.

Now, with that out of the way, thank you all who have been reading! I really appreciate you and you are the reason I love to write. I hope you have a lovely day, and remember that I love ya!

Today's play list is just one:

If You Want Blood You've Got It by ACDC


It is just a 15-minute evening towards the town. The fading daylight made way for darkness to envelop the surroundings. As I passed by the art class, I glimpsed Charlie engrossed in her work, but I couldn't muster the courage to join her. Instead, I made my way towards a quiet coffee shop nearby. The aroma of brewed coffee and pastries wafted through the air as I stepped inside.

With the small amount of money I had, I treated myself to a pastry and a cup of black coffee. Seeking solace, I found an empty table tucked away in a cozy corner. In the solitude of my own thoughts, I sat for a while, absentmindedly swiping through my phone, trying to distract myself from the world outside. Well, until my phone suddenly died in the midst of exchanging messages with old friends.

When I glance around the cafe, I notice it has emptied of all the other people, with only a lone worker diligently cleaning the floor. Navigating with caution, I maneuvered around the recently mopped area and slipped out of the door. The entire street is shrouded in darkness, all the buildings are devoid of light, and an eerie sense of solitude consumes the atmosphere. I berate myself for not checking the time or the worker earlier, but I had been preoccupied with keeping my mind occupied.

As I make my way towards my house, the sound of my footsteps reverberates against the cement, echoing off the buildings and resonating within my mind. It seems as though my sanity is hanging by a thread, on the verge of unraveling. Today, I feared, would be the day my mind would finally drown in the mounting pressure.

Then, I hear the moaning.

Down one alley there comes a soft moaning noise, and curiosity grips me. I slow my steps, quieting them, as I peek around the corner. A man clutches a woman around her waist, kissing her neck. Her mouth hung open with a steady moan, breathing out, her eyes glazed and unblinking, giving me an unease. I think she must be drugged, and this man is taking advantage of her.

"Hey!" I step out from around the corner. "Get away from her creep."

He releases his grip on her, and her lifeless body collapses to the ground, hanging limply. Her neck is a gruesome mess, oozing blood. I raise my eyes to meet his face, now smudged with crimson stains. His mouth hangs open, exposing a row of razor-sharp teeth. His eyes, shining through what appears to be blood-soaked white, burn into my memory. I can still vividly remember all those eyes on that hill. With a low growl, he gasps, "You saw nothing."

I turn and run.

He is so fast behind me, his hands sweep across my back, but I make a sharp turn, and he slams into the wall. I sprint past a few buildings and then go back inside the cafe. The woman looks annoyed, but when she sees my face, she comes over to me.

"Help, you need to call someone. There's a man, he was, he was eating, eating a woman. Please call the cops, my phone died, please help. He's after me."

She nods and pulls out a phone from her pocket, but the door rings. She pauses at this, and that's all it takes.

"Put the phone down." He hisses, his teeth normal again, there is still blood on his face but not in his eyes, they still glowed like Nya's. The woman's eyes begin to glaze over too, and she obeys him. "Now, go in the back and turn off the camera, if you can erase the tape, do it."

She turns and goes into the back. I am stuck, with nowhere to run, and no one to help. I consider going for her phone, but I lose that opportunity when he comes around to face me. "Stay still." That tickling sensation runs through my head, but I ignore it. I pretend to listen to him as he turns and plants a foot on her phone, snapping it right in half. "There." He turns back to me. "Three in one night, lucky me. Go in the back with her and wait for me. I have a mess to clean up in the back."

I'm cautious as I trail behind her into the dimly lit back area, my movements rigid and hesitant. The creaking backdoor would lead us to the narrow alley, but I needed to find an alternative route. Moving cautiously and deliberately, I ensure not to raise any suspicions as the door's bell rings. After a brief wait, I glance back and relief floods over me when I see he's not there.

With a quick turn, I sprint towards the front entrance, forcefully pulling it open, causing the bell to scream out. Before I can even blink, the man materializes in front of me. Panic rises within me, threatening to escape as a scream, but his firm hand silences me. His intense gaze, glowing with brown hues, searches my face, demanding an answer.

"How on earth are you resisting my influence?" He questions with a sense of urgency. "This is dangerous, incredibly dangerous. It means... it means I have no choice but to kill you. I'm sorry, I tried to be good, but you've made that impossible."

In a quick response, I raise my knee, aiming at his groin. He recoils, not in pain but with an irritated discomfort, as if his reaction doesn't match what he had anticipated. Taking advantage of the moment, I break free and sprint as fast as my trembling legs can carry me.

"Oh, come on." He calls after me. "You know you can run, but I will get you. If this is what you want, then we can make this a game." He laughs. "I like games."

Too late, I realize I'm heading in the wrong direction. I must go back unnoticed. I hurriedly dash down an alley and find myself face-to-face with a fence.

"Come out, child, come see me. I promise it won't hurt; you won't even know you're dying."

I begin to climb up the fence, making too much noise. I reach halfway up when his voice catches my attention from behind.

"Come down to me, I'll make it quick."

With speed and urgency, I quickly climb the fence, my legs propelling me forward without a moment's hesitation. Without hesitation, I propel myself over the barrier, neglecting to find stability. In an impulsive act, I forcefully thrust myself away from the fence, only to experience an excruciating burn on my arm, the sensation permeating my being. Overwhelmed by agony, I muster the courage to steal a fleeting glance, witnessing a gruesome sight. My arm mercilessly torn open, a gash extending from my armpit to my elbow.

Now he is laughing. "You're making this easier. Now I can smell you." As fast as I can, I run down the alley, I hear him right behind me, but I keep moving forward, I need to get home.

I collide with a solid, unyielding object, jolting me off balance. Strong hands envelop my shoulders, providing support. He must have caught me, but to my surprise, he is positioned behind me. As I lift my gaze, I meet a pair of mesmerizing green eyes staring back at me.

"Milo? Right? Milo, you're Nya's brother. You need to help me, there's a man, he wants to kill me. I think he already killed someone. Please I need-"

Suddenly, a soft whisper emerges from behind me, commanding me to sleep. My exhausted and terrified mind succumbs, allowing the voice to take over. As the world fades into darkness, I sense myself descending, yet I'm aware that Milo's firm grip keeps me from falling.

Mind: Immortal Imbalance Book 1Where stories live. Discover now