I think I heard a creak in the floor, right outside my door.

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The week of the 18th to the 31st I will be taking a break from posting my main story. I start my second year of college, and I want to give myself two weeks to get use to my classes. 

I will be back on 9/4.

I already have the scheduled chapter ready so no need to fear. I just like to make edits, and I feel in these two weeks I will have very little control to do so. But as a 'sorry' and maybe even a 'please don't forget about me' I will post short stories related to this book, and I will update those during breaks. Look out for that, and I will have more details on that as I'm preparing to take that break. 

But, hell, that's two weeks away, and we're here today!

I love you, and I will never try to disappoint you.


San Dimas High School Football Rules by The Ataris 

Stressed Out by Twenty-One Pilots 

I Miss You by Blink-182

Heartbeat by Childish Gambino


"I shouldn't have agreed to go." Abe sighs out the window of the bus.

I lean over my homework I'm trying to finish early, so I have more time to do my last-minute packing. "The problems when you don't have any other friends."

"I have a lot of friends." He looks at me, offended. "So many that your head would explode."

I laughed. "Like who? And don't say Alfie and Dex."

"Excuse me, I said your head would explode and I don't want that."

"Are they going to pick you up?" I briefly glance up before getting back to work.

"Uh, no. No one likes going down my road."

"I wonder why."

"I'll walk up and wait at the end of my street."

"Why don't you come over to my place?"

While Abe laughs, I look up at him. "You don't mean come over and do the meeting with the parent's thing?"

"Yes? They know we're friends."

"Do they though?" He drops his devil may care attitude. "I mean, it doesn't seem like you want people to know we're friends outside of this."

I glare at him. "Come over for dinner, have your overnight bag, you'll see it's not weird."

"Okay," a slight grin appears on his face. "I don't normally agree to meet the parents until after me and the girl-" I slam my book close, as the bus came to a stop.

"Okay, never mind." I shove everything into my bag and shoulder it.

"Oh no, I was kidding." He gets up with me. "Vidal, I was joking, I would love to meet your mom and dad."

I shake my head and get off the bus. "Had your chance, and you blew it, Woods."

He takes me by my hand, and pulls me gently towards him, almost into his chest. His face is right above mine; I could smell the woods strongly on him again. "Hey, I promise no jokes like that tonight. I'll be on my best behavior." He reaches out and pushes a strand of hair out of my eyes.

Mind: Immortal Imbalance Book 1Where stories live. Discover now