The first time I ever witness his face soft, covered in blood.

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Disclaimer cont.

This chapter has a slight gruesome part it starts at the paragraph that starts with 'Something passes by us...' and ends with '"Columba."'

Please if you're sensitive to any mention of violence you can skip ahead, but I keep it as P-13 as possible. 

With that said, please enjoy the ending of the first battle, and please leave and a comment if you're enjoying this so far!

Playlist of the day:

Living Legend by Club Danger 

In The End by Linkin Park

Signs of the Times by Harry Styles 


The big guy turns his head towards the woods as if someone is calling to him and moves away from us. When he's a distance away, I get up, trying to walk around the glass, but feel a sharp pain on the bottom of my foot as I go out to his limp body. I get on my knees next to him as, to my relief, he sits up.

"Are you okay? Are you alive?"

He turns his head up to me, his hand covering the bloody hole in his chest. "Yeah, that hurt." He twisted his head at some unheard command.

"Good, I mean good you're okay, not that it-"

Still weak, he struggles to get on his feet, pulling me up by the arm, stopping my words. "They're sending him back."


But it's too late, the man is too fast, too stealthy as his body collides right with Milo's as he turns to pull me back into the house. With a tremendous yank, I get pulled up by my hair, then arms wrap around me, pinning me to the man's chest. I'm too scared to scream, but I use the stake I still gripped with sweaty hands and try to stab back at him. His body is too hard, my hands are too moist to even puncture his body. The stake lands in the grass with a dull thud as we move towards the woods, and fast eyes glint bright blue from the shadows of the trees, then they are gone before I could even make out the figure. I did the one thing I wasn't supposed to; I got caught.

Something passes us by the tree line and stops in front of the man. Once in my room, I crave my bed, reminiscing about a time before what I experienced. He positions me in front of his heart, pinning my arms down at my sides. Milo smiles and shakes his head at this man. "I have more than one way to end you."

He's gone, catching me and the man off guard. We're pulled backwards, and the man crashes with a resounding thud on his back. I roll off him. When I gain my ground, Milo tells me to look away as he grabs ahold of the man's head, and seconds later I heard a loud wet rip.

Fingers locate my shoulder, but I instinctively turn aside. Though I recognize Milo, my head spins and a lump of nausea forms in my throat. I couldn't allow him to witness my condition, particularly after almost getting him killed. His bomber jacket slips onto my shoulders, and I dare to turn my gaze behind me, but my eyes are drawn to the lifeless body of the man, crimson liquid streaming from his neck, his head flung by the roots of a nearby tree. A stake, the one I dropped, I imagined, stuck out of his heart.

"Columba." I turn my head towards Milo, but my eyes seem stuck on the dead man in front of me, and Milo cuts my sight off from it. "Don't look at that."

"I...I saw someone in the woods, eyes for a second." My voice sounds disconnected now, different, as I glance back out to the woods.

"Go back inside. I'll get them."

Mind: Immortal Imbalance Book 1Where stories live. Discover now