There was Mind, Soul, Body, and Nature.

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Hey my favorite people! I'm a little ill as I'm write this, so I'm going to keep it short. I love all of you, and I hope you love yourself. 

Todays play list: 

Fight Song by Rachel Platten

Everybody Talks by Neon Trees.


I wait until both my parents are out of the house before I get ready. Quickly, I shower, get dressed, and take a few bites of the breakfast my dad made before I snatch up Milo's jacket, the material worn and thin from age, then I head out the door. After a short walk, I stand at the entrance of the gate, a dial tone in my ear as I wait for someone to answer their phone. No matter how badly I want to bust down their door, I'm willing to give them a warning I'm coming.

"Thea?" Nya answers, sounding truly worried. "Thea, are you okay?"

"Can I come up?"

A brief pause. "It's 9 in the morning."

"Nya, I think I deserve some answers."

"It's okay, she needs to know." I hear Levi over the phone. I go to the gate punching in the numbers I was given, slowly it starts to open. "Let yourself in when you get here."

I take the trek up the hill, glancing at the houses. How many people in those places died last night because of me? When I reach the highest point, I open the door and enter, allowing it to close after me. Levi comes out from the kitchen, Nya right behind him.

"You're right, it was unfair to not prepare you for what happened." Levi comes over to me. "But that, that wasn't all because of you. There have been many wars, and many will still come, we don't want to fight, we're dwindling in numbers as it is."

"I want to learn how to fight."

Levi looks shocked. "We don't let humans fight. We're significantly stronger than you, you wouldn't stand a chance.

"Teach me how to fight, so I'm not defenseless, I was useless when I was attacked. Those things," I shiver. "I want to protect myself, protect my family."

"I wasn't even out there," Nya steps up. "Levi wouldn't let me fight, and I'm a kite too."

"Please, I hated feeling that way, I hated being that weak, and pathetic, please."

"Let her learn." Everyone turns to Milo, who stood leaning against the wall, framed by the doorway. "She's got it in her."

"And you'll teach her?" Levi scoffs at him. "You? When I had you to teach that training class, everyone quit after one class, and several of them cried."

He closely observed me as I approached him, offering his jacket. "If you cry, I'm not going to teach you." He plucks it from my hand.

I grin, taking a step back. "Deal."

"Can you teach me?" Nya cuts in. "If Thea can learn, then so can I."

Milo shrugs and turns to go down the hallway. "Fine, but if you cry, you're out, too. Be ready in an hour."

"Yes!" Nya celebrates.

"What about those answers?" I look at Levi.

He shakes his head, his eyes still on where Milo stood. "That will take more than an hour after. You two better get some practice in, he won't go easy."

"I got cute outfits." Nya pulls me down the hallway into her room, where we spend most of the allotted time picking out outfits to wear, trying on, then taking off what didn't work. In the end, we settled on shorts and T-shirts. Nya is almost 2 inches shorter than me, and thin, whereas I'm curvier, so when I decide on an outfit, it is shorts slightly too short, and a shirt that hugged me a bit more than I felt comfortable with.

Mind: Immortal Imbalance Book 1Where stories live. Discover now