Is this going to be the death of me?

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Next chapter I want to put a disclaimer, even though I said that I wouldn't for blood, but you'll understand (ish?) on Saturday. But that is not today my friends, because it's Wednesday! And June, but less excitement (Sorry, I'm not a summer person, bleh.) But we all know what's after summer!

Back on topic, sorry, thank you, thank you, thank you for reading, I really hope you are enjoying it, and if not please let me know what needs to be improved on. I'm always willing to work on making my writing better. 

Voting and commenting always helps me out, and of course, I love all of you no matter what. 

To the playlist:

The Middle by Jimmy Eats World

Stuck in the Middle With You by Stealer Wheel

Here It Goes Again by OK Go


Mom is already home fixing up dinner when we get to the house. I go to the sink scrubbing the dirt from my hands, my dad sticks his hand under the running water, slapping some toward me. "Hey." I laugh.

"Smells delicious hun." Dad goes to my mom, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

She smiles, turns to him, and kisses him on the lips.

"Ew, children present." Aaron gags from the table.

Dad pulls Mom against him, wrapping his arms around her in a tight embrace. "When you find someone to love, you'll understand."

"Can I help you?" I come up next to Mom.

"Sure." She steps away from Dad and begins giving me instructions. While I'm chopping carrots, Dad disappears into his study, so my mom leans over to me. "How was school?"

"Great, actually." I smile down at the food I am cutting.

"That's good, I was really worried on Friday. When Mr. Raka came down and asked for you to spend the night, I was hoping that would help you feel better." After a moment of silence, her voice takes on a serious tone. "Thea, did you go to the Woodman's house? Is that what was upsetting you on Friday? Did you see anything? Did anyone hurt you?"

I shut my eyes. "Yes, yes, yes, and no."

"Can you tell me what you saw?"

Shaking my head, I look at what I'm working on. "I'm scared for him, Mom. I have no idea what to do, but I am sure that it would be worse for him if the cops came."

"We can keep it between you and me."

"I know you," I turn to her and smile. "You're too kindhearted, you'll want to help."

"Can you promise me you'll never go over there again?"

I nod. "Yeah, I promise. I'm going to hang out with Charlie and Harper before class."

"That's okay, do you need a ride?"

"No, I'm okay." I wash my hands and head out the door, the warmth of day shifted to cool evening. Briefly, I considered approaching the Raka house instead of attending this party. Levi gave me a code for the gate and said I could enter anytime during the day without knocking.

Ultimately, I turn towards the directions given to me.

At what point did my life return to normal? Today seemed ordinary enough, could I disregard the kites, or whatever, and allow myself to embrace my teenage years? Something told me it's no longer possible for me, but why? Charlie is friends with Nya and has got her normal human life. But I couldn't be controlled by them. I chanced another glance back towards the hill, I could still see their house in the low light against the dimming sky. Is this going to be the death of me?

Mind: Immortal Imbalance Book 1Where stories live. Discover now