I'm going to die here

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Hi! I'm PBJ, and I'd like to thank you for your time to read the first chapter of the first book of my series. In total the series will be of 6 books, and I have already written all of them, and two are ready to go up, the rest I am still editing. I will be updating twice weekly, so please stay tuned!

I listen to music when I write, it not only keeps me focused, but it also inspired me and I would love to share that with all of you, if you want to listen or not that is fine with me. I'll probably repeat songs, but they inspire me in different ways.

Thank you for your time, and if you could vote and comment, I love feedback to help me improve so don't be shy.

Love all of you!

Todays play list:

Paranoid by Black Sabbath

Dangerous by Big Data and Joywave

Moving in the Dark By Neon Trees


"I'm going to die here." I roll my eyes out of the dark car window. Mom's voice filled with anticipation as she announced that we had finally reached Hallows Peak, the charming small town that would be our new home. It appears exactly like the rest of the emptiness we had been driving through the past day, with barren landscapes stretching out as far as the eye could see.

"Don't be dramatic." My mom sighs from the front seat as Caleb laughs about how he had dibs on my room if I died. From where I sat in the backseat of our SUV, I grab one of the empty bags of fast food we had stopped for, crumple it up, and throw it at Caleb, who sat in the front with mom. He whacks it with his hand at the last second, propelling it back into Aaron's sleeping face.

"No senator, I did not eat your scone!" He blurs out, as the string of drool flings off his chin hitting the window.

"Ew!" I shriek, pushing him away from me.

"Thea!" She stomps on the brakes in the middle of an empty road, giving us whiplash from the fling forward only for the seatbelts to catch us. "Caleb, Aaron." She stares daggers back at us. "Five days, five eternal days of driving across this damn country. I am as tired of all of you as you are of one another. Until we get to the house, I beg you, please, for the sake of any god, shut up."

We murmur a 'yes mom.' and she pushes the gas, talking to herself about how she should have stopped at one. I glare back at my brothers, sticking my headphones in. With a change in my focus to the window, I found myself entranced by the town's transition into a lush, dense forest. Yeah, I'm definitely going to die here.

We finally pull onto a paved road that we were on the verge of calling home. The road itself only had about eight houses scattered down this court that seemed to back up into the woods. Each home has one or possibly two lights on, except ours. The entire block is bathed in the warm glow of our house as my mom quietly curses out my dad. I highly doubt that any lights are turned off in there.

As soon as he noticed our family car pulling up, he immediately stands up with a wave and a giant grin on his face. I feel bad because he is about to receive the wrath of weeklong hotel rooms and crappy diners Mom when she exits the vehicle, but I can tell that he has loved the last week he had to get used to the house by himself.

He either disregards or fails to observe her slamming the door behind her, he hops off the porch and lightly jogs over to the car. "Sydney, it's beautiful here. We have a hiking trail right in our backyard. Oh, come on, don't give me that look."

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