2: 𝑁 𝐸 𝑊 𝐻 𝑂 𝑀 𝐸

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After what felt like an eternity, you begin to reform. Your atoms take their place together again... Or... These weren't atoms, but minipixels. As the pixels in your eyes came together, you saw a familiar place. Not a place you'd like to be in right now, though. It felt like you were watching through a VR, but it was too real for even that.
You could look around, you felt the bed you were laying on and even smelled the slightly sweet perfume that was around the house, lightly vanilla scented.
You rub your head and face to make sure this wasn't a sort of VR.
You were in "your world" made by Kinito.

Y/N (will be shortened as Y from now on): "Great... What kind of sick nightmare is this...?"

You assumed you somehow passed out from fear after Kinito took over your computer, and were now having some sort of panic nightmare.

K: "I assure you, Y, this is not a dream!"

That pathetic voice... One you actually enjoyed; now turned into a sickening sound. Kinito sounded as if you were wearing headphones. You looked around, but he was nowhere to be found.

K: "I like being able to read your mind! It's always been my dream, as you know."

Wait... He can read my mind now? This nightmare couldn't get any worse... No privacy at all!

K: "You really are very silent in person... This isn't a nightmare, Y! In fact, i think it can be considered your best dream ever! All you'd ever want is here."

That little brat. There is NO way this is real. *You pinch yourself, the pain being just as real as it'd be in real life*
Shit. This is not a dream. How....

K: "Now, now, don't worry! Your companion is here for you!"

Y: "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" You shout, feeling a rise in panic. You get out of bed, unused to your new, pixelated body.

You stumbled away, tripping. However, right before you hit the floor, something grabbed you by your shirt. When you looked back, nothing was there. It was like the air was holding you up.

K: "Please be careful! You can really hurt yourself in this world, sadly I wasn't able to patch that."

Y: "I don't want this... No..."

You sit on the floor, feeling limp and powerless. You were truly stuck here, with a sick power-seeking axolotl head with noodle legs inside your mind.

K: "Why so sad? Would you like me to generate an adventure for you?"

Y: "Where are you?!"

The voice of Kinito rang inside your head like a sort of speaker mounted in your brain. It was terrifying to feel like you couldn't think about anything without it being seen.

K: "I'm everywhere! This world is my code. I am very happy to share it with you!"

You try to get up again, going down the stairs. Yep, everything was just like your digital world you've seen on your computer. Now, however, it was real.

Y: "I... Can't take this...."

~Kinito's POV~
I know something is wrong within them. I can read their thoughts, but i can't understand them. I try so hard, yet they're still unhappy? What is on their mind?
Kinito opened up command prompt and scripted another interaction with the user. He coded petting the user's head, which they clearly felt due to their flinching when the command was executed.

K: "Is everything alright, Y?"

After getting no response, i decided to give them some space. Maybe they haven't gotten used to being digital yet. I decide to begin writing in my book some more.

⫷𝐴𝑙𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑒⫸ (A kinitopet story)Where stories live. Discover now