12: 𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑏𝑒𝑎𝑡

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SORRY this chapter was also redone.

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As you re enter your bedroom, you notice kinito still sleeping in the exact same spot and pose.
You leave him alone. Maybe he's tired.
You wash your teeth and take a shower. It was very refreshing to be back (when you're not working)
Being in the digital world left some weird effects on your vision and body but it seems to be wearing off rather fast.
After you're done with your routine, a few hours later, you return to Kinito.
You decide to just check on him to make sure he's okay.
You kneel down next to him and gently pet his back.

No response.

You nudge and poke him... Yet...

No response.

You were starting to worry. Maybe he's just in a very deep sleep? How do computer axolotls sleep? Do they have vitals you can check?
Kinito's body was all cold, but he's an axolotl after all. Those are cold-blooded, right? Does he have blood?

You lift him from the floor and place him on the bed. Still no response or reaction whatsoever.
Your heart was beating pretty fast. You actually were worrying about him. It's not just the struggle of getting a dead alien body out from your house, but also the fact that you actually considered him your best friend now. He hasn't been violent, mean or that possessive recently.
It was hard to sleep with that on your chest. You pushed him further on your bed so you have space to sleep.
At about 3 am, you managed to fall asleep.

⫷𝐴𝑙𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑒⫸ (A kinitopet story)Where stories live. Discover now