31: 𝐶𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑛

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Things have been going normal for a few weeks. Since i was free from work, i decided to take Kinito to the park and also take this opportunity to meet with my friend again.
Kinito was quite excited to see him, so i was very glad that my friends got along.

I first had to teach Kinito how to act in public. The biggest rock in the path was waking him up, though.

Y: "Kinito.... We aren't doing this again."

I pat the back of his head firmly, which he obviously pretends not to have felt. Does he really have to hibernate every morning?

The only thing i could rely on to wake him up was dragging him out of the bed by a leg. That always wakes him right up.
I put both of my hands on one of his legs, which are both nearly my height in length.
Before i yank him out of bed, he gets up, mumbling angrily.

K: "I'm awake, I'm awake. I... Grr.."

Y: "Come on, we're meeting my friend again and we have to be on time."

K: "B...but it's 8 am... We're supposed to meet at 10, and you told me the park is just 6 minutes away..."

Y: "Yep, i want to teach you a bit about how to act in public."

K: "Yeah..yeah... Lay low, human form only and never use any supernatural powers."

Y: "There's more than that. For example, don't look someone in the eyes, don't talk to strangers and definitely do not accept any kind of sketchy offers for drinks n stuff."

K: "I'm... Not a kid..."

Y: "Wanna go out or not?"

Kinito got up and sighed, turning into his human form. I take him by the hand and lead him outside, locking the door behind us. I felt like i saw a slight blush on his face but didn't question it.

Y: "Welcome to... The real world!"

Kinito looked confused. Perhaps such good graphics were too much for him.

K: "Why are... The tree's leaves moving? Each one... So smoothly..."

Y: "Well... We're not digital anymore. This world is not run by a processor so there's no limits!"

Kinito was very lost in the environment as we walked towards the park, stopping and asking me questions every few minutes.
It took us just as long as I expected. With all of Kinito's stalling and questioning, we arrived at roughly 9.40 am. My friend was very punctual, so he was obviously there already.
I shook his hand as Kinito kept looking at and touching the environment.

Bff: "Heya! It's a nice day out. How've you been?"

Y: "Good. Work's stressful as always but i always have my buddy to- Kinito! Don't eat that!"

Kinito stopped as he was just about to eat a flower.

Y: "Not anything that smells good also tastes good..."

Kinito let the flower down, embarrassed. Your friend burst out in laughter.

Bff: "So your silly friend is just as good as always. I do want to have a chat with him, though."

Kinito got up and finnaly came next to us. My friend whispered something to him and they left towards the park's centre.

Bff: "We'll be right back!"

SOOOO uh here it gets spicy. Just a warning.

⫷𝐴𝑙𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑒⫸ (A kinitopet story)Where stories live. Discover now