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𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭

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𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭

𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭

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i squired on the sandy platform as i heard professor mcgonagall and another few crowds of prefects from either houses to bring their quidditch member to the Hospital wing.

"Professor, we have to prioritize wood, Now!" I heard a feminine word say, i felt myself get lifted up from the ground, someone carrying me, and three people touching my shoulder.

i suddwnly felt a sickening feeling as if we were travelling in a phase i didn't like, then suddenly, i passed out on the Hospital bed.

"Nurse Pomfrey is way too busy with the other students," professor mcgonagall worried, "Shouldn't she prioritize wood's arm?" I heard a strict familliar female voice.

"I know, i know, Ms.Valenzuela. but we shan't rush the nurse, she might quit sooner before she could even take care of wood." The three of them sighed, worried.

"Percy, would you take care of Wood? I have matters to attend to." Before percy could even respond, she stomped her way out of the hospital wing, with her dress tailling from behind.

"There's no one to guide the first years." Percy worried, clenching his fists, "I'll do it!-" i offer, "What? No. It's only your first year being a prefect. Stay here." percy rolled his eyes as the girl frowned, "then what's the point of being a prefect then?" The girl snapped, with ungrateful tears in her eyes.

"Look after wood." Then, percy as well left the girl with the boy that passed our within the sheets, a broken horrifying wrist. "Damn you, percy." She whispered under her breath.

" She whispered under her breath

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That damn, wicked bitchy wizard, i thought to myself, i wanted to be as my best as possible as a prefect; i'd left my hobbies of sneaking out to the kitchen fo bully some elves and stealing food, even scolding and threatening young ones and warning them brutally, saying No, i wont cover up for you. This is your last chance and i'll get you expelled. Type of shit.

every evening, penelope would tell me how much she wanted to ask out oliver wood, but i'd say, 'commiting PDA in the grounds is forbidden, i'll get you suspended even before professor Mcgonagall sees you.' I hated it when she talked about Wood every often.

i heard the doors burst open, seeing a blonde girl with blue beautiful eyes, Speaking of which. "Oliver!" She shouted in agony and worry. "You're so lucky, iris. You get to stay with him!" She kneeled beside his bed, "Lucky? Look at his horrifying, ugly wrist, penelope." I frowned, "I'd like to switch with you, but either way, i can't. Percy left him in my hands." I rolled my eyes.

penelope clearwater was the type of girl to get pass through anyone by acting she's close with them, which annoyed me. I don't get bribed often.

"Well, you'll be missing the classes." She frowned, "I'm smart enough, clearwater. You need it more than me." She frowned, standing up. "Well, tell ollie i came by." She smiled at his unconscious body. Disgusting.

I red a book by his side, madame promfey had cast a spell on his arm and gave him a drink to heal his arm that eventually takes two days in the Hospital wing. He looked rather less intimidating when he's unconscious. Probably the only time i'd call him attractive.

i scanned my eyes through the sentences within the pages of the book, legs crossed as my robe dangled down the sides.

a faint sneeze was heard from wood's bed, his wrist had a cast now, he tried to scratch his nose, he tried scratching his nose with the casted arm he had, i ran beside his bad to find his arm down. "Wood." I wake him up as he rose up from his bed.

"Valenzuela- what happened?" I raised an eyebrow, "Do you seriously not remember?" I rolled my eyes, "You won as soon as your arm broke, jackpot. But this isn't exactly goodluck for me, Percy made me skip classes to look after you!" i snapped, and glared at him.

"Eitherway, you can't play quidditch till you've healed." I crossed my arms together, "What? Yes i can, it's just a sprain." He defended as he tried to take his cast off as i grip his hand.

"Take that cast off and i'll make sure you wont be able to play quidditch your whole life." He rolled his eyes, "i dont believe it. How long are you going to stay here?" He raised an eyebrow.

"till it heals, you're unlucky, wood."

eventually after a few hours of silence and glares, i made a silly comment as i was staring at him, the boy who borrowed my book. "You look pathetic. This is why quidditch should be illegal." He shut his book with an angry stard, "Just because you're bad at it?" He smirked at me,

"that's pathetic,"

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