7 | quidditch pitch

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𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡

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𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡

𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡

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after classes, it was odd that iris wasnt there to check up on me or even stare at me from time to time. She was way too busy to visit my matches either, i saw Penelope by the bleachers cheering for my house instead of hers, stupid. it was a small student rematch without Madame hooch in the pitch, we still won by chance in the end.

Marcus flint was pissed as shit, it was after supper when we hosted a party in the gryffindor common room, i wondered why the two head girls and boys werent there to remove the alchohol from the table,

Music was blasting, there were cards and the smell of alchohol in the common room, it was noisy and loud, hyping up the quidditch team.

i was drunk my chance, i didnt have any games tomorrow, or any practices, i felt free, it was my rest day. We locked up the first to third years in their dorms so they wouldn't have a taste of the alchohol any soon.

Charlie weasley was back, drinking with us as he was about to leave hogwarts next year. I was dizzy, people were dancing and screaming, though, i felt wrong being here.

 I was dizzy, people were dancing and screaming, though, i felt wrong being here

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i watched the clock tictoc, it was eleven, and he wasn't even in the quad yet, he agreed to meet up at ten. Percy let me slip through curfew hours for a date with oliver wood.

i saw percy strolling for the second time in the quad, making sure no students other than me were out. "You're still here? Where's oliver?"

I wasted my time getting prepared, a red oversized raglan tee, with baggy pants covering my legs, it was cold outside, i think you know the reason why i wore it.

"Well, this is my last stroll, Iris. It's getting late you should go back." I was nervous, my heart was beating fast, did he ditch me?

"No, maybe he just got into something bad. I don't know, percy." I looked up at him. "Fine, but you shouldn't stay this late. it could be dangerous." He comforted me, "Thanks, Percy. I'll see you tomorrow." He went back on his patrol to the halls while i look at the night sky, constelations filling it.

why was he late? I was getting sleepy, my eyes were heavy, i was starting to turn to stone by the fountain for waiting for him for too long.

The clock hit eleven thirty, i was about to doze off.

The clock hit eleven thirty, i was about to doze off

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as i got closer to the fat lady painting, muttering the password, i heard loud music from the inside, i was greeted with all the fourth to seventh years, partying in the common room, all of them went quiet when they saw a sight of me.

My eyes met oliver, laughing with his friends on the couch, soon becoming quiet. My heart beat dropped when i realized he ditched iris for this god forsaken party.

"Everyone, dorms. Now!" I shout, evergone eventually left after mt announcement, leaving oliver, cleaning the punch on the table, i came closer at him.

"You're a douchebag, you know that?" i brushed through him, making him drop all of the cups hes cleaning, "What is your problem?" He frowned, i marched up the stairs to our dorms, closing the blinds, dozing off to sleep, hoping Iris doesn't find out.

"You're a douchebag, you know that?" i brushed through him, making him drop all of the cups hes cleaning, "What is your problem?" He frowned, i marched up the stairs to our dorms, closing the blinds, dozing off to sleep, hoping Iris doesn't find out

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i ditched oliver- or he ditched me? It didnt matter. I walked my way back to the common room that had a smell of alchohol, disgusting. I marched my way into my dormitary since it was past twelve, my heart was still beating for expecting too much. What did i expect?

Tears built up my eyes as i undressed myself into sleeping robes, tears sliding down my skin, as i doze off to sleep.

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