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the classes had finished, a few hours then it will be supper in the great hall. A black haired witch came in the Hospital wing, visiting me and wood. "Professor Mcgonagall." i stood up with hope. "Take your seat, iris." She said, checking up on the boy who sat on the hospital bed.

"How are you wood?" She asked, patiently. "Valenzuela's been taking good care of me, professor." He smile, angelicly. "Good. After the students finished eating, percy will be right with you Both during supper so you can catch up on the lessons." she smiled at us.

"Oh and, Valenzuela, one word with you." She made me stand up, placing a hand around my shoulder and bringing me to a corner, "I want you to monitor wood not to play quidditch for the whole week." i nod, "thank you." She smiled at me.

Professor mcgonagall left the hospital wing after giving her farewells to wood and i, i looked at wood with a grin. "What?" He raised an eyebrow.

"you look like you finally went to a mental hospotal for quidditch psychos." he rolled his eyes, a ginger barged in the hospital wing, with his white long sleeve, red and gold tie and pants, without his robes.

"Wood, Valenzuela." He walked up to us, hisnhat no longer dangling in his orange head. "Woah, after abandoning us? Really percy?" I said sarcastically. "Do you wanna or not catch up?" Wood looked at the both of us as he stood up from his bed.

"Let's go." percy led us to the great hall in no tiome, yapping about whatever happened this day; two girls practicing to snog with each other, public diplay of affection in snape's potions, aw, i wasn't there. i thought.

It was only the three of us in the gryffindor table, quiet and peaceful, letting us swear without the professors knowing. there was no slytherin's picking on us. peace. oliver had a big appetite, two cinamon rolls, a huge steak, two chicken drums and five small buttered cinamon rolls. 

his face was buried in sauces and oils damn. "geez, Wood. you eat alot." i tease, as he looked at the smaller portion in my plate, "gotta keep my muscles up, not my problem you're on a diet?" i blushed with a frown, "whatever, hurry up, i need to learn."'

"How's he doing?" percy asked, "good, probably." i sighed, taking a last bite from the banana on the fruit bowl. "What happened with professor snape?" i raised and eyebrow. "Some slytherin put a hair rising potion in his wine, he forgave them and gave them 5 points for it though," 

"Favoritism still going on with them, huh?" i wipe my mouth, "it never stopped," oliver rolled her eyes, i trailed from his messy mouth to his cast, smelly and brown. "You're a mess,  you need a shower, wood." 

"How? i have a cast."  he continued biting on the drums, i grabbed a napkin and wiped his face aggressively, "Woah, thanks. wanna help me shower too?" i glared at him, "Ew,"

"Hey girls would die to help Wood shower." Percy settled the both of us down, "I'm not a girl them," I pulled away, rolling my eyes. "Yeah, so manly, valenzuela." yet deep within, i found it fun to make comebacks to wood; the three of us are representatives of gryffindor, basically a trio.

"Oh yeah, wood i forgot." i looked at him with dull eyes, "Penelope went for a visit." his smile faded, "Did you let her in?" percy asked, while i nod, "Why? she could have put amortentia in my water or something!" 

"Hey, she's pretty, why don't you ask her out?" i ask; curiously. "Yet obssesive, i bet she wont even give her relationship privacy." Percy stated, as oliver agreed. after oliver finished, Percy had taken us to the common room to discuss new topics in our fifth year, new potion studies and things to rewiew for quizzes.

"Fuck, flying practices on thusday?" i glared at my schedule, "What about it? Scared?"
"No, but sadly, you can't fly till sunday, wood." his eyes widened, "What? you cant tell me what to do!"

"I can't, but professor mcgonagal can."

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