8 | glares

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the girl wasn't at breakfast today, normally she would wake everyone up at seven, which most gryffindors woke up around nine due to hangovers.

I walked my way to the quidditch expecting iris to be early by her seat to monitor me, no she was not. Was she sick? I sat myself beside Percy before madamd hooch could even enter the pitcj yet. "Where's the head girl?" The boy ignored me, did i do something wrong? I thought.

i went back to my seat when the teacher came in to guide our training, the girl didn't show up till four o-clock, her hair was neatly put in a pony tail, but her eyebags were heavy, her lips were pale, she was on the verge of falling asleep, her eyes met mine when i was staring at her.

she rolled her eyes and looked back at professor mcgonagall, there was something clearly wrong. During free time, i saw her by the great hall, doing her performance tasks in a notebook, i sat by her.

"Iris," i called out once, but she ignored it, wondering if she heard me or not, "Iris Valenzuela." I judged her, but she slapped my hand, she started to gather her things after rolling her eyes at me, marching her way to exit. I long to know what was wrong, not as a friend, but generally.

"What's wrong with her?" I asked the twins who was eating, "Dunno' weren't you supposed to take her on a date yesterday?"
"Yeah right, date wouldn't slip to both of their minds." Then it ringed, my heart ached.

we were supposed to meet up at ten yesterday, but i was too busy with celebrating with gryffindor. "Shit." I whispered, "How was it, by the way?" Charlie asked, i looked at them.


I explained to them what happened, "Wait, yesterday percy told me iris was still in the quad around twelve thirty," my heart beat was fast, "Twelve thirty? The stricest prefect?" Charlie nodded,

"Well, a girl doesn't like being ditched for quidditch, mate." Fred shrugged, "Ask her for another chance?" George suggested,

"No, no. I set it up as an apology because i got her introuble, she told me it was my last chance." I was nervous, the guilt weighed in my shoulders.

sure me and her fought often, but it doesn't mean we were friends. She was close with the weasley's so, they would know better.

"Well, that's a you problem." Percy brushed through me again, rolling his eyes, "Well we just dont believe you're caring for something other than quidditch." Well it wasn't a small thing. I almost got someone removed from something they worked hard for and i could feel that pressure as well.

As i was walking around the campus, i saw a glimpse of the 4th year talking with the gryffindor girl i was thinking about. I passed by the two of them, laughing.

"I'll meet you at four, later? So you wont lose sleep." I heard the boy say, it angered me, someone had already replaced my doing. The both of them eyeid me as i passed by.

i planned to drop by her dorm to apologize soon, before she could hate me fully. I wanted to get along with both percy and iris just like how the trio of heads we are.

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