21 | date 01

50 4 1


morning came, oliver came by my window to send my trunks to the train, ordering some house elves to drop it off platform nine three quarters over some station where you can ask workers to send a trunk, packages, letters to their respective destinations.

Ps. Oliver carried my trunks while he rode a slippery broom, since it was rainint heavily. He told me, "Don't worry, quidditch practice. I oove the earthy smell." He almost slid off and fell to his death if i hadnt casted a lifting spell on him.

Oliver was for sure nervous; whether i'd come as satisfied or not. The train leaves at exactly eleven o'clock, just near lunch. Yet oliver decided to fly me to london instead of taking the train.

we left at exactly 10 o'clock as we had argued on blending in with the muggles. He was extremely paranoid with time, as i argued he'd only respond with; "time doesn't pause, Iris." Or "time still doesn't pause."

i ride his broom infront of him because i wanted to make sure i dont drop or slide off the broom, we were going to diagon alley, leaky cauldron not for the inn, but to pass from the wizarding world to london.

i wore a short sleeved buttoned up shirt, and black loose long skirt, along with my ponytail put up. Was i too formal looking?

oliver on the other hand; dressed like what i'd seen in roads of london, according to my muggle-born friends. a white shirt, a checkered blouse and jorts along with fancy rubber shoes.


"Ladies first," oliver was for sure acting more of a gentleman today, as he opened the self closing entrance for me; we entered a brunch place, aroma of coffee mixed with beer, pancakes and french toasts.

we sat down a couple table by the glass with the name, "buona pranzo, brunch place" we arrived just thirty minutes here.

"Why'd you choose this place?" I ask curiously," he raised an eyebrow, his cheeks slightly glowed pink. "The muggle world? This country? This destinantion? Or this spot?" He blurted out, fast, i blinked. "This brunch place."

"We can choose somewhere else if you'd like." He grabbed his wallet immedietly, preparing to leave. "Oliver, just because this is a make up date, it doesn't mean you have to do everything i say. You arent acting like you." I confront, gripping his wrist before he could stand up.

"But i thought you'd like it this way more." I laugh, "If i told you that i preffer your snarky arguments over being a gentleman?" I sat him back down.

"i asked you why you chose this because i wanted to know if you went here before just to plan where to go." I remove my hand from his.

"Yeah, i've been to london a couple of times but not for long. But the latest i've been was i searched places i think you'd like." My stomach grumbled slightly.

eventually, a waitress came to get our orders; as usual, he got the hot chocolate, large, and a strawberry tart, while i chose mint tea with macarons.

"i can't believe were on sixth year next year!" I brought up making him sweat, "Great, Owls." He sighed, "yes, really great!" I celebrated. "Less time for quidditch." He frowned,

"then make sure to keep your grades up before professor Mcgonagall makes me stalk you everywhere." I sip on my tea.

"i've been meaning to ask," he suddenly said,  "whats with you and cedric?" I raised an eyebrow, "what?"

"I mean, you both are pretty close. Its only 2 years age gap." I raised an eyebrow, "care so much?" I chuckle,

"He's just a friend, oliver. I dont date anyone more than a year under me." I reassure the boy. But why was he asking?

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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