17 | plan

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"i have a plan." He was limbing from his back aching, it's only a day before the yule ball. "Iris, are you crazy? We don't stand a chance!" He argued, we were both alone in the common room as it was one in the morning.

"You arent a prefect, you're injured. I'll go at the night of the yule ball." His face dropped, "No way." I raised an eyebrow. "Whatever. I'm not going to listen to you."

i stood up from my chair as i stomp to my dormitary. Still a bit scared about my desicion. But i was a gryffindor. I had courage.

i had a plan i was going to go against it myself- with a broom and a fucking wand. What will i do with a broom? Ride it. A spell i'll use? An anti intruder charm. Great.

clearly no one was willing to go with me, not oliver even. I mean. His back was broken, i cant do nothing about it.

I fidget with my fingers, laying in my bed, thinking about things i could do if it ever fails. Will i die? Obviously. Will oliver help me? No. If i asked him to he's going to ditch me anyways.

I had a que of dances for the yule ball. One, Percy weasley; mainly because prefects are supposed to encourage their houses to dance as well. Two; professor dumbledore. Three; cedric diggory. And the rest is a que of random other students.

.. which i will ditch.


Morning came, i prepared myself mentally for whatever i chose to do. By the end of classes i came to my dorm as quickly as possible.

preparing the fit scarlet dress with no sleeves, a black fishnet like fabric over it, i decided to wear it with some gloves, and golden jewelry to represent my house.

tomorrow, there were two events going on. One; the yulr ball event, and second, destroy what ever is that thing by the quidditch pitch.

was i excited? For the yule ball, yes. How about the pitch? No. absolutely not. I was still yet mad at oliver.

 I was still yet mad at oliver

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i doubt iris is going to continue her stupid, suicidal plan, i worriedly stretched by the quadrangle to practice my recieves for quidditch.

she hasn't forgiven me and i doubt she will: yet i had a plan in mind. i'd take her to dance and apologize while at it. I'll sneak out to the astronomy tower with her and i'll fly her to wonderful views.

and if she doesn't forgive me? It doesnt matter, as long ad i got to keep what i promised this time.

the whole afternoon, my mind was one, dance with her while apologizing, two take her to the astronomy tower. Four. Fly her to beautiful places. Five, make sure we go back before her bedtime.

"Oliver!" Lee asked, clenching his hand in his stomach, "My bad!" I apologize as i hit the quaffle way too hard on him.

a group of girld came by the quad, a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes looked at me with her cheeks tinted. "Oliver.. will yo-"

"Sorry, i have a date." She frowned, her eyes started to water, struggling to stutter, "Who?"

"Ir- You'll see soon. She's from slytherin. Better stay away before she kills you." i glare at her as her face dropped whiter.

Lee laughed, "Iris?" He mentioned, i threw the quaffle to his abadomen, making him groan.

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