19 | waking up in the hospital wing

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sorry for the late updates. Its the last week(s) of school and ltheir dumping school works on us. Been struggling mentally too!! Pls vote too. It encourages me to update more.


i stood, speechless. As i shoved my broom on the abandomen of the creature, it howled as it pierced through its heart.

the blood was black, decaying. The girl passed out with her eyes open as if she was petrified in place in the grassy ground.

her eyes filled with constilatuons from the sky above, i immedietly apparated ourselves to the hospital wing, as my broom was broken from the dementor like creature.

can you believe it? I broke my broom for someone.

i left the girl in the clinic, as i put my blazer around her abandomen and made it tighter to lower the blood loss. I ran to the great hall to call out the nurse before the girl would pass out.


a few hours later, i refused to leave iris' side until she woke up. I am unsure the dementor was away. But i am certainly sure that was not a dementor.

the girl flinched as her eyes fluttered slowly, it was six in the morning, Professor Minerva had called a few medics to heal her eventually.

from the moment she tried to sit up, she clenched her abandomen, groaning in pain. "Iris." I stod up immedietly.

i skipped sleeping, i was absolutely scared the creature would come back, "Rest, iris. The healing will occur in thirty minutes or so." I setlled her back down.

"The monester's gone." She looked straight at the cement walls, looking at me with teared eyes. "Ofcourse you'd be there, it's a quidditch pitch." She stuttered, tears builingup within. "Iris, i'm here. It's five in the morning." I sat beside her bed.

"I dont know, why are you always saving me every night that stupid dementor appears?" I was wide awake when the girl woke up, energy bursted within. "because it's a quidditch pitch." I smirk at her.

"I wanna take a walk." I look at her, "No, you're injured." I stopped, as our eyes met, closer than usual, i looked at both of them. "Sunrise is near." She pleaded.

it was blue and gloomy around the dark halls, it was surely dark outside. "Bridge to quidditch?" She asked, "No, you're not going close to the stadium for a while." I scolded, "Astronomy tower." I suggested, as she raised an eyebrow.

"Its pretty cold, so i need the suns warmth." She smiled, standing up, i guided her as she walked out off the hospital wing, guiding her each step by letting her lean on my chest as we walk; she was limping and i was guiding her.

we were on our way to the astronomy tower which i offered to just ride my broom on the way there.

in a few weeks our fifth year was yet to end; i still havent danced with her or taken her out on a date. I figured somewhere in london, or just Hogsmaede?

i promise myself this time, i wont ditch her for quidditch, that every night time i'd meet her eyes again by the pitch. A beautiful witches heart is something i never dared to pinch.

What the fuck oliver wood?

as we arrive, i made sure she was secure and never close to falling down the tower, "Don't ya' even think about sitting by the edge." I warn the girl, glaring at her.

This was it, ask her on a dance, sit by the astronomy tower, and plan the 'hang out' with her.

"Iris." It was only a few minutes before the sun will rise, she looked at me. Her hair was no longer in a bun, her layers flowing down her shoulders. "I didn't get to dance with you tonight." She raised an eyebrow.

"And why would you, Wood?"

"i Ditched you," she looked at me, "twice," she added, "More than." I looked down, looking as the clouds move alon with the sky, the sun rise about to hit us with a wave of heat any minute now.

"So what are you implying?" She raised an eyebrow with a smirk, "Would you be my first dance of the night, Mrs.Headgirl?"

"Would i, Captain wood?" She winked at me playfully, her hands crawled to my shoulders, her small hands compared to mine was locked with each other.

my hand was on her bandaged waist, interlocked with her hands. "What about the music?" Out feet started to move within an unhearable rhythm. "I wanted to ask you something." She raised an eyebrow at me.

"I'd like to actually and meaningfully make it up to you by the end of the school year. I was going to ask you what you'd like to do." She stopped her tracks, looking away.

"And ditch me again?" I let her spun around as i moved my face closer, maintaining eye contact for more sincerity. "No, i promise. i have it pinned all over my dorm, my owl's got me. Percy's got my back. I wont make you wait till midnight. I promjse we'll start off early so i'd give you a full day. I wont make you wait by the shadows. I'll pick you up by your dorm." I gasped for air, stopping my tracks as she looked at me.

"Lastest of the last chance." She sighed, smilling at me, "Thank you,"

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