11 | tutoring

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it was the weekends before the week full of quizes, me and oliver hung around the cold grass near the shore of water during the windy evening with alot of other gryffindors for a picnic.

"Okay, oliver, this is Tom riddle, also known as vold- you know who." I pointed a picture of the young boy.

Some hufflepuffs- including Penelope was swimming in the water, why? To try and arouse oliver when she's in her bikini.

she was pretending to drown, swimming noisy, and splashing the water everywhefe (including the spot we were in) to get oliver's arrention

Oliver looked annoyed, "Hey penelope!" Penelope turned around, trying to make a seductive look. "Can you please stop splashing the water? i'm trying to study!" He snapped and turned back to the study with a smile, proud of himself, i smiled at the sight.

"Percy likes her." I commented making him snicker, "where were we?" He seemed rather interested in this topic eitherway, i was proud of myself. I wonder what his plan is.


"How's Oliver?" Percy asked, "He seems interested." I shrugged. it was hot around the school for some reason, i would sweat every now and then from walking down the halls with my robes on.

every single classes, i insisted to be his partner and seatmate so he could study well and get back to quidditch.

The boy loved quidditch more than anyone, it was surprising for me to see him actually focusing.

i walked down the halls with angelina johnson, talking about the upcoming events and her quidditch plans as we passed by a hall of windows, Oliver was playing quidditch again.

it didn't matter, as long as he stayed interested in the studies, that will be good.

Professor Mcgonagall eventually approached me with concern, "Wood hasn't passed three of his tasks and essays!" Professor Mcgonagall crossed her arms. "He does have an Out standing now in Charms." I blocked the window sight away from her, hoping she wouldn't see a glance of oliver.

i barely had sleep these fast few days, managing the gryffindor house, Oliver wood, and My own grades. I am a public display to influence younger years to be good.

As Oliver a quidditch captain counts as a prefect as well; he wasn't displaying it very well. His grades were dropping and he was often stubborn.

Oliver was someone you'd idolize, he was famous for being sporty and handsome. What girls liked other than smart guys were guys who had a sexy muscular body and a handsome face.

he needed to keep his grades up though, girls didn't like stupid guys either. It had just been a week of tutoring and he started to ditch it as soon as week two hit.

he woukd be thirty minutes late, making me wait by our studying spots and leave me hanging and he would use the "Sorry, i fell asleep," excuse on me.

and does he expect me to believe it? He hasn't even made it up to me yet. And i havent either to professor mcgonagall.

I wasn't going to play it cool, i called out his name through the quidditch pitch, my throat screeched so he could hear me, i cough.

"Oliver Wood!" I shout from below, he eventually came down, with a sweaty face. "Sorry, i didn't realize i was thirty minutes late." I frown at him, "Wood, Your potions are shit. Professor Mcgonagall warned me about it yesterday. This is the sixth time you ditched me!"

"Five more minutes!"

"You haven't passed five of your tasks that was due yesterday, i had to bribe and beg your professors to give you another day." I crossed my arms, "Wood." I warned, i knew he had a plan to get away.

then- he flew away. Leaving me on the grassy feilds, jerk. He hadn't made it up to me, and even if he wanted to, i'd want him to keep his grades up first.

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