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𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭

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𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭


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Cedric took me to hogsmaede and honeydukes to cheer me up for looking so sad lately, cedric was a friend of mine since i attended hogwarts, a mother's friend's son.

"How do you have all this money?" I look at the coins he held, he was a year younger than me but he was almost as tall as me. "Just do. Come on, let's buy bloody pops." He smiled,

"How's your father, by the way?" He asked, as we walked into the shop, a few kids hyper from the sugar. "Dunno', he's away." I  giggle, "i hope you're happy i took you here." I smile, "more than happy." He always knew a way to cheer me up in anyways.

we went to grab lunch by the three broomsticks, checked out stuff in diagon alley then went straight back to our circle of friends.

I was passing by a hallway, on my way to pass something to the classes just a few stairs from the gryffindor common room but i was snatched by the fat lady's painting.

"What were you doing with him?" A familliar scottish accent pinned me against the wall of the common room. "I dunno' something you failed to do?" His grip on md released, there was no one in the common room.

"Are you and cedric?" He failed to continue his sentence, "Why do you care, wood?" I clenched my fists, "Were just friends." i said bluntly, "Friends?"

"Are you jealous?" I raised an eyebrow, "No it's just," he sighed, "I just wanted to cheer you up first." "Cheer me up?" I grinned, "Very funny, Oliver." I giggle,

"You basically ditched your own plan." My smile faded, "I know, i just want to set it up again." I felt my hands clech more, "And to ditch me again? Oliver i waited hours in the quad, cold! And you were just there, having fun while i was left out side!"

"I forgot!"

"Does that make it any better?" I felt tears swell in my eyes, "Wood, you almost made me lose the title i worked hard for!" I looked beside me and looked back, "And you planned a make it up play date, at night. and you just ditched me! Now look at cedric- he called it a date, he made the time early so we wouldn't have to lose sleep." I snapped,

"I know, iris, but i swear i really am sorry! I understand if you dont forgive me right now but i'll work my ass off just for it." Right. Him, me and percy had been the golden trio of our era, we all were close until oliver eventually distanced himself.

I calmed myself down, breathing slowly. As i was about to wipe my tears he pushed my hand away, and wiped it for me. "I'm sorry, i really am, iris." He whispered gently, as i sighed.


"Thank you." oliver left after messing my hair with a small smile, leaving the common room up to his dorm.


for the next weeks, oliver mainly focused on two things; Iris and quidditch. He'd been failling alot- not that iris knows.. yet. .

Oliver would randomly put a random sweet on my desk with a note, sometimes he'd help me with leading the first years back to the common room.

i havent forgiven him- fully. Maybe i was overreacting, maybe he should be more careful.

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