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"Wood." Professor mcgonagall approached, "You are in thin ice in potions." She warned me with her arms crossed, i raised an eyebrow. "What? Professor, i've been studying for the past week!" i defended, "Yet you forgot to pass your research paper of the draught of peace,"

"One more streak oliver wood." She turned her heels away, as i caused a mini panic attack. I'd bet a galleon to one of the ravenclaws in our mini game of quidditch.

whoever ditches, has to pay with rich. i'd realized, i haven't really been forgiven by iris since our 'little' argument, id got off my quidditch robes as i flew straight to the prefects bathroom to shower and wash the stress off.

"Shit." I whispered under my breath, i exit the prefects bathroom with a towel wrapped around my waist, and another one i used to dry my hair off. I entered me and percy's dormitary to see him writting on a littke notebook.

"Weasley," i called, "Seen where Iris is?" I put on a grey shirt with quidditch prints on it, "Library, she's been way off her own grades trying to make your up." He swayed his feet to the side of his bed, "She was dissapointed you wefe ditching her, she even said just you getting good grades was enough for a make up." I sighed,

i felt really bad for iris, it had just been this year she was recruited, i had gave her so much trouble because she had to take care of me. I felt like a child.

"Thanks," i cleaned my stuff up as i walked down the halls, to the direction of the library. Everything went too fast, my eyes were kept in the marble floor the whole walk. I wanted to keep my grades up for quidditch, and i didn't want to stress Iris.

i arrived thirty minutes earlier, walking through the library, surprised when i saw her dozed off one of the chairs,drool all over her book. I laughed, i poked her head, making her eyes flutter open, "Oliver." She rose from the book and rubbed her eyelids.

"Didn't wanna ditch anymore." She sighed, grabbing another stool from beside as is at with my shoulder bag on the table. "What do you want to learn?" She asked, fixing her messy hair. "Oh, i just wanted to accompany you, i'm doing my research papers." She raised an eyebrow.

"i don't believe it." She chuckled, "Why the change of heart?" She asked, yawning one more time before opening her text book. "Nothing, just didn't wanna fail." She scoffed.

after a few hours into the library, iris looked incredibly tired. She offered to give me help in more of my essays and projects she'd beg the professors to give me some time for.

"What are you looking at?" She said, "Nothing." I was happy she gave me chances, she was generous with them.



It's been weeks, oliver would turn me up and down. He'd made me wait in the library for hours and he would cancel it the last minute. The amount of times i bribed and begged for professors to extend the deadline for oliver because he was 'Pressured' as a captain.

The next day after that night, he was the one asked for a study session with me, in the quad, again.

i slept happy, with a smile, peaceful for Oliver's consciousness, Hopefully, he doesn't ditch me tomorrow.

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