16 | investigation

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i was raging mad, the urge to break my broomstick and torture it in the fire. But no. I cant. Its way too expensive. I walked down the hill to the tent of the pitch, it was gloomy and it had a bad sense of aura, or as i just guilty?

she explored the tent with light coming ofd her wand, she sighed. "Check the grounds, i'll go to the bleachers." I raised an eyebrow at her. "I'm not gonna let you go off alone when theres some kind of dementor roaming around this feild!" I argued.

"Are you worried or are you just scared?" She sarcastically smiled, i sighed at her face. The pitch was quiet, the sky was black with stars scattered, constellation could be seen from here.

both of us looked at the sky beneath, the stars shining against her pupils, the moon's light reflecting in her face. Eventually, she gave me a strange stare and walked to the way to the bleachers.             

i walked and flew around with the light in my wand, making sure there were no 'dementors' anymore. Or could it possibly cursed my broom?

Speak of the devil, my broom started wobbling, "Shit!" i shout, making iris look in my way. "What?" From the silence surrounding us, we could clearly hear each other.

"It's getting out of control!" I looked at her, behind her it was a shadow; a clothed shadow that was facing me. "Iris! Behind you!" I shout, as she looked behind her; a black clothed shadow, skinny underneath, floating.

"Expecto patronu-" the shadow was facing her now, my broom was on full control by me, i flew all the way to the bleachers, trying to scoop her out.

The shadow had lifted her up the benches, floating to the quidditch goalposts, dragging her by the hair, i could hear her screaming for despair.

The dementor wasn't sucking her soul out, it just wanted to rip her hair apart. Arent they supposed to be in azkaban?

I followed the shadow, flying to the goal posts as her hands reached out to me, "Expecto patronum!" the dementor looking creature set her down as it stung away from the spell, dropping iris by the hair as she fell, quickly catching her by.

Her eyes were filled with trauma and tears from the pain, "Oliver," she stuttered.

"What was that?"

"i don't know, but it can control anything and drag. Its some sort of telikenisis." She sighed, breathing heavily. "Oliver." Her fear filled eyes looked at me.

"Iris, we should tell a teacher." I suggested, "No! They'll for sure assume we summoned it!" Her breath was shaky.

"Lets get you back, we'll handle this tomorrow." I ordered, rubbing her back as i put her behind me in my broom. She wrapped her arms in my waist, making sure she doesnt fall.

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