20 | remain

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For the remaining weeks, i spent my time making sure Iris was out of sight in the quidditch pitch. Though if it was required, id be there to accompany her.

i'd also been studying hard for the O.W.L.S so i could finally leave this hell of a year. Iris was still limp and pale; lack of energy.

"Oli!" I heard a high pitch voice say from behind me; a blonde ravenclaw. "Clearwater." I said coldly, "you can call me penny." She said playfully.

"i was wondering if you wanted to go out after the last day?" She asked, swirling her hair, as i thought about it. Ditch a witch or ditch a bitch?


i'll ditch the bitch.


it was currently O.W.L.S. the room was cold and gloomy, i could hardly focus on the words, my eyes were burning. It hurts.

eventually, i managed to finish the owls early, it was only a few more parties and reuuirements till we got our grades then we will leave hogwarts for summer.

time passes by, i got outstandings in most of my class due to what Iris thought me, thank god. it was near the end of june, it was an on and off weather.

it was boring the next days, we all had to pass our missing requirements before we could clear out clearance to set off.

I clearly avoided Iris more as possible, knowing i wanted her to spend her time getting her grades done instead of taking care of me. But it feels like i forgot something.

i packed my books from the desk as i match my way back to the empty common room, surely everyone was still outside, i was marching my way up to the boys dormitory till i heard barging down the common room.

"No, professor Mcgonagall. I will not want to transfer to beauxbatons!" She confronted the mistress, "You are great in Beauxbatons, Iris!  If you are to accept this, you'll be automatically be one of the heads in that school!"

my heart dropped, beauxbatons?

I tried to mind my own business and walked back to my dorm, sitting down and taking a hot shower. Thought, every step and breath i took, i wouldn't stop thinking about it.

It hurt my mind thinking about it too much. It was gloomy and mist flew all over the skies. Three more days till the day.

Not to mention, the quidditch team will be hanging out after the school year with the prefects- without the strictness or anything.

we called it the perfects since 3rd year.
we'd often go for frozen milk or yoghurt by london and explore where ever.

Can you believe it? Muggles use brooms to sweep the floor instead of riding it. I cant believe they bounce the ball to the grund before shooting it to a bend hoop.

clearly- i had mixed emotions of lonelyness and excitement for this summer. Iris will be part of the perfects due to being a prefect.

One of them was going to bring penelipe for no damn reason, i wasn't going to be able to play quiditch because my friends would complain for me to spendtime with them.

As the day ended, i realized the date. Tomorrow was the end of the school year. Tomorrow was the hang out.

thats what i forgot.

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