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it was quidditch on Thursday next week when I was really nervous of. Percy brought his two annoying of a brothers with us in hogsmaede because it was my treat anyways. "I just don't get it, i was just looking out for him!" I brainstormed as we walked through the snowy roads, "Maybe he heard what professor Mcgonagall told you, or whatever." 

"It's not that I cared, honestly. i just want to keep being a prefect." I sighed, "Or you just care for our dearest captain?" Fred and George synced as I glared at them, "Totally. i want to win the quidditch cup as well, so I didn't want him to play injured like that." hearing both Fred and George giggle from behind.

The four of us sat within the restaurant, ordering supper and beverages on my gallons from gringotts. "I mean it's good he wants to rest instead of wanting to eat at hogsmaede for supper." "Rest?" Fred looked at me with a smile, "He's on the quidditch pitch right now," followed by George,

"With angelina johnson," 

"Cedric diggory,"

"And ravenclaws, including Penelope watching." i was very alarmed with the twins jokes, "Not funny," i laughed, a few students entered the place, giggling. "Penelope looked absolutely humilliated when Oliver ignored her!" "Oliver still has a lumpy broken arm though, hope he's okay."

"Iris." percy looked towards me, "Calm down, it's friday, you should rest." yet, i was still alarmed, "There could be people from other houses sneaking into other houses, Oliver wood's playing when professor Mcgonagal asked me to monitor him not to!" i rise up from my seat, "Don't let it get to you! you wont get removed from the prefects!" percy sat me down,

"No, no!"

even though i was shit at a broomstick, i flew my way back to the quidditch pitch, trying my best not to fall off for the seventh time, i saw the group of ravenclaws teaming up on each other, one side was olivers team and the other was cedrics

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even though i was shit at a broomstick, i flew my way back to the quidditch pitch, trying my best not to fall off for the seventh time, i saw the group of ravenclaws teaming up on each other, one side was olivers team and the other was cedrics.

"Wood!" i flew infront of the hoops, "Shit." i thought he was surprised because i had caught him; it was that a bludger was coming my way, "Shit!" i shout aswell. "Oliver wood dont you dare catch it with you wrist, let it hi-" before i could finish, a beater had beat it away when oliver prepared his hand to cover me.

"What do you think you're doing?" i glare at him, "What do YOU think you're doing flying into a game when you know so well you dont know how to fly properly?" he grabbed my wrist as he blew to his whistle, "Get down here, now." i land at the grass, as he looked away with a frown.

"What did i tell you?" i scolded the boy, "It's healed, don't worry."
"Healed? when it's damn obvious you can't block well because of you wrist!" i put my hands on my hips, angry. "You aren't my girlfriend, stop pretending like you care! go enjoy your weekend like i am, iris!" he flew his hands up, 

"Well, when i lose my position i hope you find the guilt it's completely your fault if you lose your next game because of a damn broken wrist that could have healed within a week if you listened to me!" i shout with tears in my eyes,

"Why do you care so much? i told you i'm better off a quidditch pitch than being locked in the gryffindor common room."

another one of my fears other than a broostick was losing a high position i worked hard for,i dont like wasting effort on things that i could easily lose because of being irresponsible, "Whatever, wood. forget it." I walked away,

" I walked away,

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my wrist was sore from all the blocking, i was leaving the quidditch pitch to the quidditch tent then i was surprised with professor Mcgonagall's voice, furious, i hid beside the curtains, eavesdropping.

"I told you i was leaving wood under your care because i was busy, how can he play with a sore wrist his next quidditch game, Iris? you left the grounds leaving Wood to play quidditch while you were in the three broomsticks!" professor Mcgonagall scolded the slightly shorter girl infront her,

"Professor, i promise i tried stopping him, i checked up and reached out to him every now and then between classes, he just couldn't wait another two days! he told me he felt better and he didn't need more hospitality so-" before she could finish her defense, professor Mcgonagall cut her off, finishing her sentence.

"So you let him play still? Do you know how Mr. and Mrs. wood would think if they hear about this? this is one of your warnings, Valenzuela." my heart wrenched, Iris' snap sentence to me replayed.

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