Chapter 5 ;)

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Ava's POV

"And that's how I got my first kiss!" I snorted out loud laughing my ass off with Jack.

We were finishing up eating and laughing at stories. He looked so flawless with his smile. A smile that could light up a whole world.

When he stopped laughing and smiling he looked so fucking sexy.

Anyone would be lucky to have a guy like that right by your side.

Props to Katherine and David Gilinsky!

I stood up from the lawn chair (they are outside) and grabbed both Jack and I's dishes and was going to put them in the dishwasher.

I felt Jack's arms wrapped around my waist as I felt soft kisses showered on my neck.

"You're so fucking perfect." He growled in my ear as I let out a faint moan.

I had the willpower to walk away from what just happened.

I put the dishes away as I heard a thunder from the outside. I walked outside seeing pouring rain and a soaking wet Jack.

He turned to me as his tank was stuck to his body making it noticeable to see his beautiful body. And making me even more turned on.

His hair was everywhere as I walked to him feeling the hard rain pouring down on the concrete.

"Jack! What are you doing??" I yelled over the sound of the rain. My hair was becoming damp.

"Having fun!" He picked me up and spun me around like in those clichè romance movies but, who's complaining? No one.

I felt his hand meet mine as his other arm was around my waist. His arm raised slightly as I knew what were doing; slow dancing.

"Jack, what are we? Middle schoolers?" I joked as we started dancing.

"I'm 13 at heart Ava." He gushed as I smiled.

I pulled myself closer to him as I rested my head on his chest.

"You don't know how good you smell right now Ava." He complimented me.

"Thanks... I guess?" I thanked him as I left his hand and put both of my arms around his neck.

"Getting closer I see." He smirked as he did the same, but around my waist.

"Cheesecake." I blushed as we moved around dancing.

"What am I?" He asked.

"A cheesecake." I bit my lip to stop myself from smiling.

"A sexy one?" He half-smiled.

"Definitely." I blurted out as he chuckled.

"How tall are you?" He asked.

"5'3." I shrugged. I stopped growing when I was a Sophomore. So, I 've had the same boobs, feet, and height, and figure ever since. That's technically false because you grow everyday.

Addie is 5'6. Rosie is 5'4. And I'm the shortest.

Oh well. Guys like shorties. Not true either. Sammy likes Addie and she's taller than most of the boys in our class.

"How about you?" I asked.

"I lie and say I'm 6'2 but lowkey, I'm 5'11." He replied back as I laughed.

"Why do you lie?" I pulled away from his grip feeling my hair. I sat at the curb as the rain still went hard.

"Because, girls like tall boys." He admitted.

"That's wrong," I said.

"I had a crush on a guy who was the exact same height as I was when I was a Sophomore." I put my arm around him.

"What was his name?"


"Sounds realistic." He rubbed his chin with his fingers.

"The only thing that matters is what the guy is like on the inside. Vice versa for the girls." I replied back with some common sense.

"Sooo, size...?" He pulled me closer as I was centimeters away from his lips. They looked so soft and plump. (ewewew i hate writing kissing scenes..)


"Just kiss me Ava I know you want to." He replied.

I raised my eyebrow and got up and angrily walked away from his fuckboyish ways. God.

"AVA!" He yelled as I looked to see that the first strike of lightning stroke.

I turned to see Jack towering over me.

"Why didn't you kiss me?" He asked

I scoffed as I slapped hard. (just so you know, they're still outside :] carry on)

"Because I don't want to hook up with you." I retorted back with defense and rage in my veins.

I knew I was lying. Of course I wanted to hook up with him. Who wouldn't?

"I don't want to hook up with you either but, I just want to kiss you." He defended himself.

Oh. So two can play this game.

"Well, you're not getting any kiss from me!" I fired back as my arms were flying everywhere.

"Is this what you want from me? Just a fuck? I have fucking respect Jack! God-"

"SHUTUP!" He yelled in my face as his face was plastered with anger.

"MAKE ME!" I childishly yelled.

And he did.

now that's how you stop a heated moment ;)

i'm so excited for this book!! can't wait for what's coming :))

k love you all :) vote, comment, etc. !!


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