Chapter 16 - Rose and Jack

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Rosie's POV

"BLAT BLAT BLAT!" Johnson and I both sang loudly to each other. We were both on the dancefloor dancing like idiots and spilling our drinks, even though we weren't drunk. Which was great, I didn't want to get a horrible hangover tomorrow.

I was talking/ dancing with Matt and Johnson which was awesome. Matt is one of those people who can make you laugh without even trying to. And, I was under Jack's arm which made me feel secure.

I couldn't find Ava nor Addie anywhere. I didn't see them since I helped with both of their makeup. I'm not surprised though, they could get any guy they want with the just a look. While I have to flirt and be confident.

Matthew soon left Jack and I to meet up with Justin outside in the backyard. "Hey Rose, you wanna sit down?" J asked looking around seeing people making out or practically dry humping each other. "Yeah, I would like that.." I answered grabbing onto his hand through the crowd.

We decided to go outside in the front which was shockingly empty. I thought more people would be out here. I set my barely alcoholic drink down on the front step next to me. I made sure it was right in the middle of the cement. Not on the end, not on the right, and not on the left. "You still doing that?" Jack sighed in frustration.

After our little date, we've been going to the boardwalk almost every other day practicing my confidence. He's actually a really good teacher. I've learned more about him while he learned about me. I am starting to become more and more happy and positive about myself so I know it's working. But, I still have some habits that Jack's been trying to break for me.

I stole a look from him, "It's a habit Jack, sometimes you can't break some habits." He grinned and pulled me closer to him, "Like the habit of calling you beautiful every day, that's a habit you can never break for me," he said kissing my cheek. "Did I tell you that you looked beautiful Rose?" He reminded me again. I wasn't annoyed with it at all. It makes me smile and blush like he has some kind of effect on me. But a good kind.

"Hmm, I think," I replied with a fancy accent having both of us burst into laughter. He's just so happy and beautiful I kinda envy it. But again, in a good way. He's a good guy with a good heart and I love that about him.

After a few minutes of talking and laughing, I could feel a tension rising between us. Like he's been planning something for me that I should know about. I hope it's something special.

We both stopped laughing and looked at the midnight sky. I can feel Jack's eyes staring at me and then looked back at the sky for a few moments and then his eyes were on me again.

"Rose." Jack finally said making me turn and face him- his face was close to mine. Our lips inches away from each other. I never thought about kissing him. Yet, I wanted to kiss him. Currently, him kissing me is the only thing that's on my mind. Everything else is either gone or just vaguely there.

"Um-um yes?" I stammered then mentally facepalmed myself. Confidence Rosie, confidence. He looked at my lips and then me several times. Oh god, he's going to kiss me.

"You wanna go to the boardwalk?" He blurted out leaving relief in my mind. Maybe he wants to kiss me there. I feel like that is a better location than a wild party and drunk ass people wobbling around. I nodded at his response. He stood up grabbing my hand and intertwining it with his. I kicked my cup resulting it to spill all over the plants. I looked back seeing the liquid sprawled out all over a green bush. I felt badass for doing what I just did.


The boardwalk had nearly minimal to zero people there. I know that he's gonna kiss me. I feel it deep down in the pit of my stomach. I wondering what his lips feel like. I bet they're soft. I just hope it's not awkward and creepy at all whatsoever.

"Wow, nobody's here.." Jack mentioned quietly almost above a whisper. I looked around the familiar surroundings seeing the wooden boardwalk ahead of us. I felt awkward mostly yet excited.

We just stood there looking at the sandy beach and the sky not saying a word to each other. I didn't know what to say at all. In the movies, he's supposed to be the one who talks through this or like kisses me. Finally, I had the confidence to speak up, "If you want to kiss me, just kiss me Jack. I won't bother it at all.." I looked over at him with admiration. His expression changed to anger, "Goddamnit Rose! I'm sorry this isn't perfect. You can just leave now. I bet there's tons of other guys at the house who are better than me.." He stormed away stomping along the boardwalk leaving me speechless.

I started to chase after him, "Jack! Jack! JACK!" I called out loudly making him turn around in the distance.

"WHAT!?!" he responded noisily almost making me flinch. I have never seen him this angry. It's almost surprising to see him this pissed at something so little.

I walked over to him and placed my hand on my hip, "Jack, this is almost too perfect. No guy would ever go out of their way to do what you did in the past couple of weeks. You got to remember that I want to be here with you! Not some college frat boy who has no personality like you do. I'm not gonna leave until I get to feel my lips touch yours." I confidently vowed making him smile ear-to-ear.

"Good job. You finally stood up for what is right," He beamed, "you did it!" he shouted pulling me into a nice hug. "I'm so proud of you Rose and please, never let go." (titanic af) He joked brushing my hair with his fingers.

I pulled away from his warm embrace, "Thank you Jack. You're the best guy out there." I bit my lip from the necessary compliment. I looked down at his lips and up at his gorgeous blue eyes. It's go time Rose.

"I might kiss you Rose, in about 5 seconds." He decided with a sexy smirk.

"I might be bad at it.." I innocently claimed making him chuckle.

He grabbed my hip with his right hand and cupped my face with the other, "Not after you kiss me," He growled softly. Do it ROSE! DO IT!!

I pressed my lips onto his soft ones almost melting at the feeling. My whole mind went complete blank and I felt like something erupted in my stomach. His lips took control of mine as I heard a boom in the distance. I pulled away seeing Fourth of July fireworks in the sky. What the actual hell.

"Did you do this?" I pointed up at the sky then back at him almost smirking. "No, I didn't know it would be like this. Oh well it's fucking cliche but, I fucking love i-"

I connected my lips onto his once more with more force feeling his hands touch my lower back. I grabbed the back of his neck as he entered my mouth with his tongue. I smiled through the kiss only making it even more perfect.

Happy Fourth of July.


FINALLY THEY KISSED YAYY!! i was shaking when i typed this out btw

OH MY GOD WE REACHED 1K!! YESSS! i can't believe this imsoahdpoihsfdpsajjf i;m hsakind oml i love you all so so so much :)))

this is my treat for you guys bc of the 1K and i can't believe it omg ogoc hA

anyway, hope you guys love it!! thank you guys so so much and i hope you all have a good day :))

<3 <3 <3

- soph

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