Chapter 11 part 2

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Addie's POV (long chapter tbh)

"Here you go." Sammy gave me a coffee from the hospital cafe as we all sat in the waiting room about Ava. Everyone had a different look on their face.

Rosie had a sour look on her face as she was focused on her phone. I glanced at her a few times while she looked back but it was a look of disgust.

Johnson was next to Rosie; trying to fall asleep. It was a long wait. We've been here since 9 and it's been 4 hours. I could feel my eyes closing but I hope this coffee helps.

Nate was oblivious from his surroundings because he was listening to music. Just bobbing his head to the music. I could hear him listening to Gambino as he was getting lost in the music.

Sammy was staring at me like he always did. Making goofy eye contact. A few cheesy jokes from here and there trying to get me in a happy state. Which I thought was very sweet.

As for Jack, well his head was in between his legs shaking his head in disappointment. I know that he really cares about her. I just don't know why they aren't together. Oh yeah, it's because we've been here for like 4 days..

"Thank you Sam." I replied as we both exchanged weak yet happy smiles to each other.

I heard Jack whispering to himself like he was about to explode any minute for now. I have to knock some sense into this pretty boy.

"Jack." I whispered in a calm tone. But he ignored me and continued his letting himself down game.

"Jack!" I said a little louder as he propped up from his position.

"This isn't your fault. You didn't shove her into the wall. You didn't hurt her. She just passed out." I tried my best to comfort him. His eyes were full of tiredness and frustration.

"Don't let yourself down too soon man. You got the whole summer." Sammy chuckled as I smacked him on the knee.

"That didn't hurt mama." He winked at me as I flipped him off nonchalantly.

"Dont listen to him. He's just trying to get to you." I reasoned while I heard a fake cough in my ears making us all look up.

"Are you.. Ava Marie Jones' family?" The nurse looked up from the metal clipboard as she quirked up an eyebrow and looked at us in disbelief.

"Affirmative." I confirmed confidently as I took a sip of my coffee immediately choking on it.

"What is this fuckery?" I mouthed to Sammy as his shoulders slouched up and down.

"She's okay. But the wall hit her pretty bad. She's suffering with a small bump on her forehead. There's a few bandages wrapped around it but, with some pain killers and a couple of days. She'll be good to go. I'm nurse Kennedy. If you need anything, I'll be at the front desk." She explained.

"Can we go into the room?" I stood up following the rest of us. The taste in my mouth was disgusting and brutal.

"Yes you may. She's in room 420. Thank you." She informed me while Nate laughed at the end. The nurse handed me the clipboard revealing Ava's health info and what floor she was on.

"You're such a child." I stated while we all walked to her room.

"Aye, what floor is it on?" Sammy requested as I rummaged through all the papers causing some to fall.

"Four." I answered back as we all stepped into an elevator.

The elevator door opened as we stepped out of it seeing those white marble floors and walls. I shuddered in disgust as we started to walk to Ava's room. I hated the smell of hospitals. Ever since I was little.

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