Chapter 19

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Day Leaving LA

"You picked Matt, Taylor, and NASH???" Jack asked in a frantic tone while rolling his suitcase down the steps. "Out of all people in our group you picked those 3???" He yelled almost making me go deaf.

Matt grabbed an apple and patted Jack's left strong shoulder, "At least it's not like.. Dillon," He reasoned as I nodded in agreement.

"See? It's not that bad. They're not gonna go through my drawers of underwear like SOME people!" I turned over to Taylor who was watching ESPN.

Rosie and Johnson were already in the car jamming out to Calibraska while Addie was still in her room "packing". Sammy was outside with Nate talking. Addie hasn't come out of her room ever since. If she does, it's to get food or tell us to get food. She wouldn't even talk to us. Not even myself.

I walked outside and put my stuff in the trunk thinking whether or not to go upstairs and talk to Addie. I know she's going.

"I'm gonna go talk to Addie upstairs. It's something..." I commented to Jack. He nodded in agreement and opened the car door and closed it. I walked inside house almost feeling guilt and regret coming out of me.

I walked in front of her door hearing Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdam's' voices. I gently knocked on her door.

"Addison?" I softly requested. My voice is never this quiet. Wow.

No response. Fuck this.

"Addison! Open the goddamn door!" I shouted knocking vigorously on the white wooden door.

No response. That's it.

I barged open her door seeing Addie at the end of her bed, ready to go with her head in her hands. The sounds were muted. I walked over to her and sat next to her saying nothing.

"I don't want to go Av." She confessed looking up at me. Her face was bare and had tear-stained cheeks. My heart sunk in sadness seeing her this sad. The last time she's ever been like this was when Eric died.

I spoke up, "Addi-"

"No Ava, you don't get it. You've never been in love like I was with Sam. It fucking hurts. I don't want to see him. I don't want to think about him." She barked while walking over to her suitcase.

Her words stabbed me like a knife. Geez. "Addie, you gotta stop feeling sorry for yourself. How many have I told you this-" I walked up to her and rested my hands on her shoulders, "You're a strong and sensual woman. No guy or lady will knock you down. Got it?" I raised an eyebrow waiting for her answer.

"You are absolutely right. I do not need Sammy!" She exclaimed and grabbed her suitcase and her carry-on. "That is right!" I agreed smiling like an idiot.

She turned around with one hand on her hip, "It's him who needs me!" She forcefully laughed. I saw her smile turn into a frown. I walked over to her and pulled her into a strong hug. I could feel her wet tears on my shirt and her quiet sobs.

"It hurts Ava," She cried into my shirt, "I try my best to not think about him but, it's impossible. He probably moved on with some other girl who's better than me. Prettier than m-"

"Addison Grace! Sammy has been acting the same exact way that you have! He looks like a twig. Whenever he walks down in the living room, he just slumps and talks to himself about you!!" I responded to her false comment.

"Don't go hard on yourself. You're going not matter what you got that?" I kissed her cheek and playfully slapped it making her laugh.

"We're missing the flight Ava!!" She recalled grabbing her luggage and my hand.


We waved goodbye to Matt, Nash and Taylor and took off to the airport. I honestly was scared out of my mind. I was scared because I'm afraid I won't be up to the potential my family wants me to be. From my ruthless and unfaithful father. To my abrasive and judgmental aunts and uncles. Then my assholes of cousins who always suck up to my grandparents. What's only left is my mother and my brother, Parker.

I don't even count Karen as family. I once walked in on her with some other dude in the beginning of my father's and her marriage. I'm not even surprised if they both cheat on each other.

But most of all, I'm scared that my close friends will get made fun of by my judgmental family. I'm only coming because my father promised me to bring mom and Parker. Both of them are the nicest human beings in the world.

I slumped in my seat buckling the seat belt. I was sitting next to Addie who was sitting next to Rosie. Jack and Jack were sitting behind us with another stranger and Nate and Sam were across from us so we were all close together.

I can see Addie's cheeks with multiple tears rolling down her cheek as she was listening to some music. I pulled her neck so her head was lying on my shoulder while we heard the tire screeching going up into the sky.

I kissed her head and laid my head on the window looking out into the sky. I plugged in my earphones and played Bed Peace and slowly closed my eyes drifting off to sleep.


hello people!! what is up?? 

i am officially 14 (ik youngin') and yesterday was pretty fucking awesome !

my first official week at west was actually pretty cool and i'm happy cause i am surrounded by cute ass freshmen guys and they're really nice and christian and yeah

bUT THE FOOTBALL TEAM SUCKS DICK LIKE WTF DUDE???? i was pissed x123456789002949327r037r dammit 

oh well, hope you like this update!! this is just a filler (kinda) bc big shit are cumming ;) ;) 

maybe some ava and jack smut?? lol i can't write smut for my life oh poop oh well :) 

hope you like this and THANK YOU FOR 1.9K READS!! WE GOT THIS WE CAN GET TO 2K !!!

love you all !

- sophia <3 

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