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Ava's POV

I couldn't go to sleep, my Mother and what happened today. It just came like a blur. I'm dating Jack Fucking Gilinsky, and I'm going back to LA.

I sat up, looking over and seeing Jack peacefully sleeping, with his hand previously on my waist. I silently stepped out of my bed and tip toed to the mirror. I looked so different, so not me.

"What are you doing with your fucking life?" I heard a snarky voice right behind me. I turned and saw, myself. "You're not fit out for a relationship, especially him. You'll break his heart!" She exclaimed then started to laugh at him like a joke.

"You don't know him-"

"But do you? You had sex then quickly stepped into a relationship impulsively. It's been like what? Seven weeks?" She razzled me with all these points. I tried to swallow my saliva but there was none.

"You need to shut up sometimes and let yourself have some fun." I turned around and saw myself again, in a softer tone. "You want her step into something blindly? And get hurt again again and again?" The Devil said, kind of protecting me.

"It's stupid to never try. He won't ever hurt her. You're just saying that to protect yourself and not letting yourself open up to such a nice guy who has the biggest crush on you." The Angel stepped over to where I was.

"Stay." She said, having an echoing voice that was soothing and resurrecting. "Leave, you'll be better without anyone else." The Devil urged me, walking over to where I was too, having a blunt and dark tongue.

They both disappeared as I woke up gasping for air. I took deep breaths and turned over to see Jack sleeping away, like a baby.

I smiled quickly and looked over to where my suitcase was. My smile turned into a frown. You don't have to do this, Ava. I stood up and took my phone and charger. Tears escaped my eyes and looked back at where Jack was.

You're leaving everything behind Ava, get out of your fucking mind and got to bed. I put a sweatshirt over myself and took my suitcase and my blanket.

I walked over to where Jack and gave him a kiss on his head, brushing his hair one last time. "I'm sorry, baby." I quietly sobbed. "You're gonna do great in this world and I adore you till the end of time." I whispered just above a quiet tone. "I can't be with you and even look at you the same when I first met you." I saw a teardrop on his bare stomach.

"But I can't say I love you, Jack." I quietly confessed, looking over to see myself double. The Angel had a sad face while the Devil had a smirk. "I want you to go find someone who loves you as much as you loved me. You don't even love me, Jack." I said, making myself angry.

"He does! Love isn't measured by how long you've been with someone! God has loved you since you were thought of even before you've realized whom he was." Angel interrupted my private conversation.

"God isn't real, sweetie." Devil pushed her aside, going to me. "You wouldn't be here without him, Devil." Angel made a point. ""Just stop you guys!" I yelled loudly, waking up Jack from a deep slumber.

"Ava? What the hell are you doing?" He woke up frustrated. "Who are you even talking to you?" He asked, getting worried.

"Them!" I pointed and turned to nothing but a painted wall. He looked at me like I was crazy. "I promise you, an angel and a devil were right by me." I walked around the room, looking around to see if they were hiding.

"Why are you dressed up? Were you- no." He stood up, but backed up. "... It's for the better." I weeped, tears almost falling again. "Why." He whispered. "Jack, I don't love you." I finally said the four worst words ever. He looked up at me then down.

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