Chapter 13

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12:23 P.M.

Ava's POV

"You do 56 squats everyday? That's why your ass looks so.."

"Perfect? I know." Nate answered. We were getting along like two peas in a pod. It was fun hanging around with Nate. He was chill and funny.

"Jenna's pretty lucky." I sang putting 5 bags of chips in the cart and moving down the aisle in the Target store.

"I'm pretty lucky Ava. She's so- perfect. I get all weak in my knees whenever her name chimes in my phone or whenever I hear her voice." He fantasized grasping his hands together.

"Nathaniel is in love!!!" I announced loudly punching his side lightly resulting to shamelessly blush.

We strutted down the aisle talking about nonsense somehow ending up talking about our first times.

"Enough about my sex story, who was your special someone Ava?" He comically asked like he was some paparazzi.

"Jack Gilinsky..." I muttered throwing the case of Coke cans in the cart making a loud noise.

Nate stopped walking in his tracks and turned around facing me.


"Jack Gilinsky!" I responded a little too loud having couples glaring at me with their unfaithful eyes.

"Wait, so Jack was your first time? Oh man! Does he know?" He rubbed his hands together and smiling surprising me.

I shook my head and walked with the cart past Nate with my head hanging low. "Why are you sad Ava?" NAte caught up with me pacing his feet.

"Because, I lied to him about saying that i wasn't a virgin. I was in the moment. I had to though. He wouldn't trust me anymore if I told him that I was a virgin when I met him. I would be embarrassed too." I strolled beside Nate hearing Shake It by Metro Station blasting through Target.

"I was 19 when I lost mine. I bet he would like you to tell him the truth though." Nate hummed as his hand hit his basketball shorts to the rhythm if the nostalgic song.

"You know, this used to be my shit back in middle school. It still is. It makes me so nostalgic like Green Day." I spilled out to Nate as he cocked an eyebrow at my comment.

"What? I was an emo in middle school.." I mumbled pushing him in the lingerie section and walking towards the alcohol.

"I see the way he looks at you Ava," Nate added picking up 3 packs of Bud Light.

"What, predatory like?" I retorted getting a bottle of Vodka.

"For living with Jack for over a year, he has had million of flings. But once Sammy said something about you one time, you know what happened?"

Nate raised both of his eyebrows as his elbows touched the end of the cart while the palm of his hand was cupping his chin.

"Nothing." He finally answered making me laugh.

We continued to walk down the aisles of red and white talking about the party tonight. I felt comfortable around Nate. It was fun to be around him.

As we passed the Condom aisle, we saw Jack and Jack arguing.

"Ssh, you got the Mexican Jew and I got Baby Blue Eyes k?" He winked as I nodded.

I crept behind Jack hearing them both talking about condoms.

"You literally took the whole shelf. 40 condoms are in each box." Jack recalled trying to make sense into Johnson.

I saw Nate looking all sinister with his fingers tapping each other. I accidentally let out a loud giggle making Jack and Jack turn around looking at me dead in the eyes.

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