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Ava's POV

Four Years Later

"Okay, I have a Grande Iced Chai for Ava Jones?" The barista yelled my order to me. I stood up from the chair and walked to the counter and grabbed my drink and headed out of the cafè.

The streets of New York were gleaming with bright lights and sounds of taxis and people talking made the scenery more real. I heard my phone ring from my purse as I took it out and answered the phone.

"Hey!" I smiled through the phone hearing Johnson's voice. Ever since I left Ohio, I went back to New York for the summer and started my new chapter in life.

I had an internship at Buzzfeed (JUST GO WITH IT PLEASE) And then I went back to Ohio to finish my college career. That was a year ago, I moved into an apartment and started my writing career. I got my haircut I make my hair shoulder-length and then I used to have bangs but they're growing out.. Sadly.

"Me and Rose are at the gate waiting for you!" He cheerfully said, excited to see me. Rose and Jack just got engaged a month ago? But they've been so happy together. They keep each other company.

I haven't kept in touch with Addison but all I know is she's around the world traveling with Sammy. And Nate is recording his second album. He's becoming more known into the public, he got his first music award and I was so proud of him. But Jack and Jack settled down..

I am getting my crime novel published in two months and I'm very happy with it. My mother just got married to a new man named Billy for over a year. Sophia broke things off with that Shawn kid and just finished her first year of college in Florida. She probably has a new boy right now, I don't keep up with social media anymore.

I called up a Taxi and told the man in the red cap the directions to the nearest airport. I sipped on my drink when my phone has a message ring. "Pretty popular huh?" The scruffy man acknowledged me in a conversation.

"It was my boyfriend, he just wanted the list for groceries." I laughed, typing in my list to send to him. "New here?" The driver asked, keeping me intrigued. "I've been here for a while, I'm meeting my friends at the airport since they came in from LA. I'm showing them around NYC for the week." I answered, sending the list to my boyfriend.

"I've been in New York since I was five and now that I'm 70 with three kids and five grandchildren, there's plenty of sightseeing around in my family." He chuckled with a deep tone. I honestly smiled and kept the conversation going.

"Here's thirty dollars for the destination and seven more for your Santa Claus attitude." I complimented him as I have him his money."You are a very swell lady." He gleamed at me while I waved him away. I skipped inside the airport begging to hug Johnson and Rose.

I found Gate 27 and saw Johnson and Rosie looking the same since I last saw them. "AHH!!" I screamed and Johnson picked me up and twirled me around. Rosie fighting wrapped her small arms around my medium-sized ones.

"I've missed you so much, Ava." She cried,making me feel her happy tears on my shoulders. I unlocked the hug and helped them with their bags as they followed me to my car that I parked at the airport.

"Wait why did you park your car and then walk to a cafè and then pay thirty bucks to come here?" Johnson inquired me while he shut the trunk of my Black Terrain. "Don't question Ava's methods babe." Rosie pet named Jack making him kiss her cheek. I smiled to myself backing out of the parking lot and started driving home to my apartment.

On the way there, we caught up with each other on life and I got the latest scoop on Addie and Sammy. "Yeah ever since you 'left' he finally found the balls to ask her out." J finished the story. "Before I left, I told him to stop being a pussy and speak to her. The sexual tension between them was making me go bonkers." I laughed.

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