Chapter 11 part 1

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Ava's POV (long chapter)

"What time is it?" I asked Nate as I finished up our research about Aurora. And boy do we have some beef.

"8:30." Nate answered as I sighed in exhaustion.

Where the hell were Rosie and Johnson?

"Johnson and Rosie must be fucking.." Sammy said as we all nodded.

I looked over to see Jack staring at me while I rolled my eyes.

"Ava, why are you doing this?" Nate sloppily put his arm around me while looked at the laptop.

"Because, she broke my cutie's heart. And I'll break her legs." I aggressively responded as I rolled the cursor seeing more evidence about Aurora.

"Your cutie?" Jack abruptly stood up as we all looked at him.

"Yes. My cutie." I smirked slightly as he scoffed and slammed the kitchen counter with his large hand.

I never thought how large his hands were. Oh my God. I am having unholy though-

"Addie, do you think he is a cutie?" He asked as I rolled my eyes.

"Cutest one in the book Gilinsky. Sorry guys." She didn't even look up from her book.

"Wait, I thought I was cutest?!" Sammy walked over to Addie furiously as I looked back over to Jack who was still in the same position.

"I never said that Sammy?" Addie asked in a 'duh' tone.

"Oh, I though-"

We heard a door open as we saw Rosie and Johnson panting and laughing their butts off.

"Oh my God that was hilarious! The look on his face when we glued that quarter on the boardwalk oh my God!" Rosie exclaimed as they turned to look at us.

"Oh, hey guys." Johnson gave a little wave and sent us a small smile as I hopped down from the chair with my arms across my chest.

"I tried calling you guys! Where were you?!" I sounded like an overprotective mother. But I didn't care.

"We went to the boardwalk and ate lunch-"

"And then after that we went all around there. We were just at the county fair! It was amazing. You would've loved it Ava." Rosie explained as she widely smiled at Johnson.

"Yeah, Rose and I had a good time." Johnson winked at Rosie as she giggled.

Since when is she called Rose? What is this the Titanic?

"Well I'm very happy about that. Meet us downstairs in the basement in 15. We have some news for you two." Addie added as they both skipped up the stairs giggling at each other.

"Rose? Really?!" I said to myself as I grabbed all the work we have done in the past 8 ½ hours.

"Well I thought it was cute Ava. Did you see the smile on her face when she walked in? It was a real one. She looked happy with Johnson." Addie walked downstairs with me.

"I can give you that." I said in a defeated tone as Addie slung an arm around me.

"She hasn't been like this for a while. I'm happy that someone is making her happy. And not the fake kind that we all know she has. The pure kind." She informed me while I sighed.

We settled everything on the table as there was a flipchart down here already.

"Why the hell is there a flipchart down here?" I asked while I examined it.

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