Chapter 21

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Addie's POV

My eyes pried open from my forceful sleep. I didn't get any fucking sleep. All I wanted was just a peaceful sleep and dreaming about Dylan O'Brien and I playing with our beautiful children.

It was 8:30 in the morning, coming from the alarm clock I rolled over to. I sighed in exhaustion and finally got up from my twin-sized bed. I was paired up with Sammy for rooms. We didn't even talk when we were getting to bed. But one moment was filled with tension.

Last Night

9:30 PM

I was standing in the warm shower feeling relaxed and tired from the water droplets coming down from my exhausted body. I finished showering so I just stood there thinking about important shit that everyone does in the shower.

After debating whether or not to get out, I chose yes and turned the shower off. I heard silence in the bathroom. Ah, thank the Lord.

I grabbed the towel and wrapped myself in it making sure it was tight- I didn't want Sammy to see me naked, even though he has many times. Damnit Addison, stop thinking about him!

I took another towel and towel-dried my hair for a minute so it was damp. I wiped the steam off the mirror seeing my pupils dilating as I smiled tiredly at myself.

"Is anyone- oh shit Addison!" Sammy interjected making me widen my eyes. I hid behind the shower curtain as I heard footsteps towards where I was. "Addison, I'm sorry for interrupting your alone time, but can you please stop hiding." He chuckled at his sentence, trying to loosen up the awkward moment. I hesitated for a second, then I opened it up seeing Sammy wearing only briefs. I could see his noticeable bulge..

I tried not to make any contact with him, so I walked quickly out of the bathroom. But, his arm caught my shoulder having me to turn around. I was dangerously close to his handsome body.

I was intently staring at him with him doing the same. He was breathing heavily with his lips almost touching mine. "Yes?" I asked with uneasiness obvious in my tone.

"You forgot you underwear." He held up my white laced bikini with his long fingers. I snatched them away from his hand. "Thanks." I bluntly said turning away from him.

I closed the door, I slid down the door with my clean underwear in my hands. I bit my lip from his sight I just saw.

I heard the shower turn on, I ran my fingers through my damp, brown hair. I can't I'm going to do this.

(this gets graphic as hELL)

I licked my lips and trailed my soft hands to my aching core, I was almost begging for pleasure. Holy fuck.

I was turned on by the slightest touch making me moan quietly, "Samuel." I moaned his name numerous times. I felt my index finger sliding into me. I could feel pleasure overflowing my body. "Ah, fuck!" I moaned loudly, not caring if anyone heard me. I pumped my finger out of me several times while my other hand was massaging my large breast. I bit my lip, not trying to moan his name. He was on the other side of the door taking a shower.

I could feel my climax coming, I was so sexually frustrated, I left my breast and started rubbing myself. "Samuel!!" I yelled, feeling euphoria take over my body. I felt my orgasm on its highest point.

I finished touching myself and took deep breaths. My finger exited out of me, seeing cum all over my slender fingers. I took it in my mouth (i know i know, this is so grAPHIC) tasting it and moaning at the same time.

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