Chapter 18

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Ava's POV

"My dad called me today..." I started off on an uneasy tone. I could feel Sammy almost eye-killing Jack because of the hickeys. I turned around seeing Addie and Sammy on each side of the couch, Addie scratching the back of her neck and Sammy biting on his bottom lip almost too hard to draw blood. What the hell is going on with them?

I started on a subject, "Okay, both of you guys aren't even looking at each other. What the hell happened to you two last-"

Addie blurted in, "Someone doesn't know how to tell someone their fucking feelings before a party. That's what happened.." She clenched onto her teeth and galred over at Sammy who rolled his eyes dramatically. 

"Well I'm sorry, it's better sooner than later." He wrongly scoffed back. She stood up and Sammy did the same. Their height differences were adorable. She was right below his chest while he looked down at her.

"THAT'S NOT HOW YOU SAY IT YOU DUMBASS!" She shouted piercing all of our ears. Rosie sat up looking at me with her wide hazel eyes. Jack stood right next to me with a straight face.

I finally stepped over in between Sammy and Addie with my hands up in surrender, "Okay guys, cut it of-"

"I said it right Addison, I had to look it up. Maybe you're the dumbass for falling in love with me?" Sam tilted his head and snapped in a cold voice.

Addie pushed me out resulting me to fall into Jack's arms. Wow. She looked at Sam up and down a few times and was about to say something.

She was about to say something but Sam crashed his lips onto her's making all of our jaws drop. I can't believe this is happening. Holy shit!

She pushed his lips off her's and punched him square in the face making him scream. "Don't FUCKING kiss me, EVER!!" She shouted and stomped up the stairs with tears rolling down her cheek. Sam was left with a bloody nose.

I walked over to him but he only moved away from me, "I don't want a girl to touch me right now Ava. I'll see you guys tomorrow. Goodnight.." (holy shit that's a first) He stormed off almost sobbing in his hands and blood all over his long fingers. The rest of us just stood there with wide mouths and wide eyes.

"What the fuck just happened?" Johnson asked above a whisper and held Rosie's hand. We were all left speechless. I never knew Addie and Sam had something going on. He nor she ever told me about it. They are so going to get it.

"Being in love sucks big dick.." Nate answered and cracked his knuckles. He looked at Jack and I with an raised eyebrow. I felt my right eye twitching as Nate smirked at my neck.

I changed the subject, "Okay sooo anyway, I kinda promised my dad that you guys would come to Ohio with me because he promised my family members that I would be there," I paused to look at their faces. Jack looked very dissatisfied. "I'm sorry! I promised him and I don't want to break the promise. Plus, my mom is going to-"

"Your mother's coming? Oh we are so going!!" Rosie gasped and smiled widely. I sent her back a promising smile. "Alright I'm in." Johnson agreed kissing Rose's hand. Awh.

I looked at Nate, "You in Skate?" I cocked both of my eyebrows in a joking way. He sighed, "Alright... I'm in." He gave in letting out a chuckle. I finally turned to Jack who still had that disgusting look on his face. "Jaaaacckkkk.." I whined looking at him. I especially wanted him to join. I didn't think it would be as fun without him. He's a funny guy.

He quickly shook his head, walking over to me. "Who's gonna watch the house?" I knew he wanted to come. I can see it in his face. I placed my hands on his chest, "I have someone in mind.."


hey guys!! i updated again and this is probs the shortest update i've done.. oh well


i met so many people there and my core group of friends and i'm so happy ayayya

there's so many hot guys in my class and this one guy oh my lord, he's so beautiful i cri evrityme i c him

AND PLUS HE'S IN ALL OF MY CLASSES AND WE TALKED SO MUCH TODAY BUT: i didn't get his fucking name *facepalms* he was wearing a navy blue and black polo sooo my name for him (for now) is polo. i'm hoping i will be his marco ;)))) eh get it?? no k

oh well, I'M SO EXCITED OML I'M SO HAPPY !! okay, i'm gonna go dream about polo boy and shit I LOVE YOU ALL I HAVE 1.35K ON THIS STORY omg i love you all

hope you enjoy the update!

-soph <3

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