Chapter 15 - Addie and Sammy

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Third Person's POV

It was nearly 2:30 in the morning. But the party didn't stop. The Omaha Boys were famous for having parties like this.

It showed their inner self, living in Omaha, Nebraska for their whole life: the parties weren't like the ones across the country. Especially the ones Sammy threw.

It was like a Project X Party, Addie thought when she took a hit of the blunt. She was next to Sammy alone. They were both drunk and high off their minds. It was more for Addison because Sammy needed to tell her something tonight.

He was going to confess his feeling for her. Not the 'i'm in love with you' type of feeling. But the 'i can't stop thinking about you and it's killing my insides' feeling.

Sam was indeed in love with Addison, and she was even more in love with him. They've both wanted each other since the day she ran to him after the winning basketball game Freshmen year.

"You-you know Sammy, THIS is ho-how you throw a um um..." Addie was trying to find the word party but she was so off nothing came to her. Sam was admiring how stunning she was. He was starting to think twice about his plan.

"Don't you mean party?" He suggested to her setting the blunt down on the grass, "Because this isn't any get-together Addison.." He clarified with a confident look. He's always called her Addison because how innocent it sounded. Or how pure it was. It made her more attractive in his mind.

She squeezed the inside of her thighs and laid her head on his shoulder, "My thighs feel like jelly." she announced making Sam let out a low chuckle. "No really-" Addie took his right hand into the inside of her thighs. She wasn't supposed to make it sexually, let's not forget she's both high and drunk as fuck. Sam was trying to not get turned on but, it was Addison.

They wandered onto conversations that were meant to be talked about at 2:30 in the morning. Yet Sammy's attention was not just on Addie's mouth ( ;] ), but his hand on the inside of her thigh. She would've never let someone do that if she was sober.

After about an hour into a conversation, the both of them started to get bored. It was time for Sammy to make a move.

"There's a community pool down the road...," He whispered in her ear making her giggle uncontrollably.

"You wanna go there?" He questioned with a beautiful grin tugging on his face. She almost immediately nodded not thinking about anything else but the pool and Sam.

He pulled her up from the ground having her wobble from side to side. I shouldn't have done this. I feel like i'm take advantage of her, Sammy thought. Although, he would never do that to Addison.

She finally got her balance and they both started walking to the pool. They could still hear the music blaring even from a block away. Surprisingly, their hands were still connected, swaying back and forth.

As they were closer to the pool, Sammy was thinking of ways to tell her about his feelings for her. He's done it before but this time, it was a more mature feeling.


Addie was the first to take off her clothes leaving her in a white bra and a navy blue cheekster. The pool was private and only Sam had a key to it for when it closed.

Sammy was just looking at her chest not caring if she caught him. Flashbacks from the last time they were sexually together flooded into his mind. He smiled at thought but was interrupted by a warm splash of water from Addie. "Are you gonna join??" she beamed looking right at his RVCA shirt.

He nervously chuckled, "Yeah babe." making her blush uncontrollably. She admired his body and how gorgeous he was. She felt lucky and he felt luckier.

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