Chapter 10

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Jack Johnson's POV

"The waitress is going to be so pissed!" I pulled Rosie out of the Diner with her hand. We didn't give the waitress a tip because she was being all bitchy and being what Rosie would call it "Hollywood".

"I feel bad." She covered her hands with her face. I learned when she was telling stuff about herself that, she cared about what everyone thought. She was a perfectionist. Whenever she stuttered over a word, she would restart the sentence. No matter how many times it took her.

She would also whisper negative words to herself like she was bringing herself down. I don't know why. She is absolutely perfect in my own eyes.

I took her hands off her face and intertwined them with mine as she looked at me with a look of neediness.

"Why do you care so much?" I breathlessly asked as we walked slowly onto the boardwalk.

"Because," She started to think about an answer, "I was always the one who would be walked on in any situation. It's been like that ever since I was 13. I was always the one who would take the photo instead of being in the picture." She sat down on a bench while I sat next to her.

"Why don't you stand up?" I stupidly asked. Way to go Jack. Asking stupid questions.

She looked at me like I was the most stupidest person on Earth.

"Because, I don't know okay!?" She aggressively brushed her hair back as she sighed in frustration.

"I-i'm sorry Rose I didn't mean to make you in this mood." I apologized. I really didn't. It just slipped out of my mouth. I was super nervous for this. I was shaking when I sent the text from earlier and now my whole body can't function.

I'm so fucking awkward. I'm like a 14 year old boy getting his first kiss.

"Jack, you don't understand. It's a hard habit to break. Ever since Derek I've just been so doubtful with life and it-"

"Remember what you told me last night about Aurora? You said 'your self worth is NOT determined by a girl vice versa'. Derek isn't worth your fucking time. It's his loss for losing someone as perfect as you! You gotta learn that sometimes, you just gotta take risks and go with the flow. Back at the Diner, I noticed you putting yourself down constantly. Don't," I recalled as I turned to look in her eyes. They looked like a tear would be falling down her cheek any minute.

"You need to stop worrying about what others think and start thinking about what YOU think! I used to be like you. I used to care about everything. I was the quiet one out of all my friends, just like you. But one day, I realized, the key to happiness is to stop giving a fuck. I live by that motto everyday." I finished as I wiped a tear that rolled down her flushed cheek.

I turned back looking forward as I felt a touch from my hand. I looked down to see Rose trying to hold my hand.

I cupped her hand as I entwined it with mine as our connected hands sat in the middle of our 2 bodies as we both looked forward.

"Can you teach me." She quietly said as she gulped, "Your ways of not caring?" She turned to me as she weakly smiled.

I wanted her to be confident. I wanted to be the one for her. No doubt. I wanted her to not care about anyone. But most of all, I wanted her to be mine.

"I would be thrilled." I happily answered as I felt her scoot closer to me.

My heart started to beat faster as I felt my palms get sweaty. Oh Lord, what is happening to me.

She laid her head on my shoulder as I smiled to myself.

I looked up to see a penis shaped cloud as I pointed to it.

"Look! A dick!" I pointed up at the sky as Rose looked up and playfully scoffed.

"No it looks like a candle!" She corrected me as I shook my head.

"Nope, it's a dick-"

"It's a huge one may I add." She blushed as I widened my eyes at her remark.

"Why thank you." I thanked her in a posh British accent.

"When are you going to stop with that accent?" She perked up as I chuckled.

"Whenever you tell me to babe." I winked as smiled showing her adorable dimples.

"That one looks like a bunny." She changed the subject as I laughed.


awhhh this is too adorkable !! i sound like a 9 year old ew

i can't at this cuteness :)

thoughts on this chapter? 

love you 


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