Chapter 26: Heartbeat

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Yasmin got ready for work and rushing out of the house as she usually does so she doesn't bump into Fahad. As usual, she searched her laptop for her schedule and began editing it, making sure she was busy everyday including weekends. When she was satisfied with it, she drove to the hospital and made her way to her office.
"Start sending the patients in now" she said to the nurse outside her office as she made her way in.


It was now 5pm and Yasmin had seen approximately 15 patients today.

"Thank you Doctor" her last patient for the day said as he left her office.

*knock* *knock*

"Come in" Yasmin said.

Maryam walked in " I thought you would be home by now" she said. "How do you have this much work today" she asked worriedly looking at all the files on her table.

"I changed my schedule to take more" she answered fixating her eyes on the screen she was typing into.

"I thought you spaced your schedule to take less "

"well, I changed my mind" Yasmin said flatly.

"Is something wrong?" Maryam asked. "You seem on edge. You're burying yourself in work, it's an indication that you're running away from something." She said while searching Yasmin's face for answers.

Yasmin quickly stopped typing and looked at Maryam wwith glassy eyes.

"I am right!" Maryam exclaimed as she sat beside her. "what is wrong, tell me"

" I'm pregnant Maryam, all the PTs I took last month were positive and i still haven't seen my period" she said taking off her glasses and wiping the tears that were now running down her face. "Fahad is having an affair" she blurted.

"what!" Maryam exclaimed. "wait let's take it one at a time"

"remember when you said you found out he and Zarah had a past"

Maryam, quickly nodded.

"Well I think they never broke up"

"You think or you know?" Maryam questioned.

"Last month at the family's dinner, they had a fight as we were leaving."

"Well did you ask him about it?" she asked

"I did but he couldn't answer me" she said as she exhaled loudly. "If you have nothing to hide you don't stay silent, so i moved out to my wing and i haven't seen him since." she added.

"when are you seeing your next patient?" Maryam suddenly asked.

"I'm done with the outpatients but I'll be going on rounds to see my patients' in the ward by 6pm"

"okay, we have time" Maryam said staring at the wall clock. "Let's go to Samira for a scan, if you're indeed pregnant, we'll figure out the rest from there"

"Okay" she reluctantly said.

As they walked to the gynecology department, Yasmin's heartbeat doubled, her hands slimy from the sweat but she told herself that she needed to know for her to decide on her next step of action.

She laid down on the bed and looked at Maryam who gave her a reassuring look as if to say all will be fine.

They anxiously waited for Dr Samira as she proceeded with the scan.

"Wait" Samira said as she moved her hands to the other side of Yasmin's tummy.

As Samira continued the ultrasound scan, her expression grew increasingly solemn. Yasmin's heart pounded louder in her ears, each passing moment stretching into an eternity of anticipation. Then, as Samira paused, her brow furrowing in concern, Yasmin's breath caught in her throat. She turned to look at Maryam who equally looked puzzled.

"you're 8 weeks pregnant" Samira suddenly announced, looking intensely at the scan. "There we go" she added as the scan suddenly displayed on the screen.

Yasmin stared at the screen in shock, she had a mix of nervousness and excitement.


The sound of the heartbeat filled the room and they all listened intensely. I'm going to be a mother. She said quietly as tears made her eyes glassy.
"I'll advice that you take things easy though Yas as there seems to be mild bleeding around the sac. Take a few days off work please and rest. I'll go get you a print out of the scan" she said excusing herself from the room.

Maryam jumped in excitement and ran to Yasmin's side holding her hands supportively. "it'll be okay in shaa Allah" she consoled Yasmin who was now bawling her eyes out.

"what do I do Maryam?" she said sitting up. "the baby looks in distress"

"Shhh" Maryam said who was now holding in her tears as well. "You just heard Samira, she said to take things easy, let's go to my office and then we'll talk, okay?" she said pulling Yasmin down.

They took the scan print and walked to Maryam's office which was closer to the gynecology department.

Yasmin sat on the chair and blurted "I'm going to my parents"

"Let's think through this Yasmin" Maryam said in a panic sitting next to her. " what if mama picks up that there's something going on with you two?"

Yasmin shrugged her shoulders "Well there is something going on"
"Then how do you tell her that you're hiding the pregnancy from him? You know mama, the moment she knows, everyone will know and before you know it his family will be aware. Also, we're not even sure he's cheating Yasmin"

"She was screaming at his face fa, you should have seen it, she slapped him as well maryam, why will she do all that if there's nothing between them?" she said eyeing Maryam. "they were standing this close to each other" she said with her hands on her face mimicking the small distance between them.

"Listen, all i'm saying is, don't run from him before knowing the full story Yasmin. Give him a chance to explain himself before making up your mind"

"Fine" Yasmin said as she huffed and looked out the window."But if things don't get better I'm going home to my parents"

"In shaa Allah things will get better" Maryam consoled as she smiled at Yasmin who was quickly typing into her phone.

Yasmin quickly drafted an email requesting for a medical leave, proofread it and sent it to the Department head. Few minutes later., a notification popped up indicating a new mail.

"Subject: Medical Leave Approved

Dear Dr Abubakar,

Your medical leave request has been approved. You are granted leave from [01-05-2024] to [15-05-24].

Take care,

Dr. Chukwudi Ezeji"

"It has been approved" Yasmin exclaimed as she turned her phone to show Maryam.

"Well considering you've only taken a leave once since you started working here I'm sure he knows it's very important"

"It's okay to feel the way you feel Yasmin, afterall you trusted him with all your heart" Maryam said sympathetically. "But" she said stopping to look at Yasmin's face "I know you always run away from your problems, sometimes it's good to face them and get it over with" she concluded.

"Thank you" Yasmin said, she looked deflated. "Let me quickly see my patients before handing them over to Dr Habib" she said before rushing out of Maryam's office.

Yasmin's story is reaching its conclusion, but don't worry, I have a new book on the horizon!

ROYAL IN DISGUISE: A Story of Love and Secrets

Stay tuned for updates and get ready to embark on another thrilling journey with me.

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