Chapter 17: Late night encounter

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I pulled the thin airplane blanket and covered my face as I still hadn't gotten enough sleep.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have just been cleared to land at Aminu Kano International Airport. Please make sure one last time that your seat is in an upright position and seat belt is securely fastened . Thank you."

I felt my seat suddenly coming back up, I pulled the blanket from my head only to see that it was Fahad. I eyed him and sat down straight. I bent down, took out my bag and touched up my face. After making sure that my face was okay, I redid my hijab and then checked around me to see if I had taken anything else from bag.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Aminu Kano International Airport. Local time is 5:30pm and the temperature is 26 degrees celsius.
For your safety and comfort, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened until the Captain turns off the Fasten Seat Belt sign.
Please check around your seat for any personal belongings you may have brought on board with you and please use caution when opening the overhead bins, as heavy articles may have shifted around during the flight.... we are looking forward to seeing you on board again in the near future. Have a nice day!"


As soon as we reached home, I dragged my feet to my room and crashed on the bed. Luckily, I wasn't going to pray.

I woke up feeling very hungry so I pushed my hands out of the cover and took my phone to see the time.
"It's already 11pm"
I hissed and stood up walking straight to the kitchen like a zombie. I opened the fridge to look for something eatable.

"Good evening Ma" a soft voice said.
I screamed and turned around spilling the yogurt i had in my hand.

"Evening?"I said which came out as a question.

"I'm your house keeper ma" the middle aged woman said.

"Ohh" I said visibly calming down. My stomach made a rumbling sound reminding me of why I was in the kitchen in the first place.

"Do you want anything Ma?"she said as she smiled.

"I'm hungry " I said shyly.

"I can cook up something fast Ma"

"Don't worry I can do it by myself " I said.

"It's fine Ma you look tired" she said sweetly.

"Okay then" I sighed. "Thank you" I added as I began walking out.

"Ma, oga hasn't eaten too" she said.
Oga? Who is oga? I thought inwardly.
I mentally slapped myself as I remembered that she was referring to Fahad.

"Really" I asked as I turned around.

"I kept the food on your dinning table thinking he will come here to eat." She said guiltily.

"Ohh" I said. "Make him something to eat too"

"I'm sorry ma" she said as she looked down.

"It's okay"

I walked into the bathroom to wash up. As soon as I turned on shower, I was immediately reminded of the way I was fooled into thinking Fahad drowned. I hissed.
Why are women easy to fool? I thought.
"He messed with the wrong one" I said.

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