Chapter 11: Red

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The daurin aure was set by 11 am. Yasmin wore a white lace that was had a red lining and asked her makeup artist for a subtle makeup.

They were all sitting in the room when they heard people yelling"An daura aure" The guda started "ayiri yiri yiri"Her heart immediately started beating fast

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They were all sitting in the room when they heard people yelling
"An daura aure"
The guda started "ayiri yiri yiri"
Her heart immediately started beating fast. It finally sank that she was now a married woman.
She looked up and saw Amina coming into the room,
"Amarcy ta ango" she said "kizo ga angonki nan yazo"
Maryam took Yasmin's veil and draped it over her as they escorted her into the main parlour.
"Salamu Alaikum" she said in a whisper
" wa alaikum assalam" he replied while looking up.
The girls left the couple alone.

The two sat side by side awkwardly. Both refusing to be the first to start a conversation.

Few minutes later, Maryam came in whispered in Yasmin's ear "the photographer wants to take pictures of you two"

"Okay" she said

The photographer made the couple move closer in order to take the photos.
Yasmin could literally feel him breathing.
After what felt like hours the photographer said that she was done.
Yasmin quickly stood up to leave when Jamal came in.
"Ina wuni" he said while shaking Fahad's hands
"Lafiya ya kake" he said while smiling
"Alhamdulillah "
"Daddy wants to see the two of you" he said while looking at Yasmin
"Tohm" she said as she led the way to his parlor. 

"Salamu alaikum" they both greeted
"Wa alaikum assalam " Daddy said while smiling
"Barka da rana" Fahad said
"Barka ka dai" Daddy answered.
"Ina wuni Daddy" Yasmin said when she down beside him
"Lafiya kalau mamana"
"I called you two to give you a few words of advice. " he said while looking at her.
She quickly looked down shyly.

"I know that both of you aren't children so my speech will not be long....hopefully " she looked at him and smiled.

"You know, nowadays I see so many people these days who decide to form relationships without marriage" he looked at both of them to see if they were understanding him.
"maybe it's because they fear the seriousness of the commitment, or that they have observed the marriages of others hitting the rocks. Many take the plunge, but the marriage breaks up alarmingly swiftly."

"This is not what any of us want . We all want to be happy" He looked at us while smiling. "We want to be loved, respected and cherished, from the moment we commit ourselves to each other, for the rest of our lives. That is what Allah(SWA) intended for us. That we should be happy and strong together"

"Apart from that, we also need tolerance and patience, and to realise that you do not have the right to be loved or respected. These things are not rights – they have to be earned.
Nobody has the right to be loved if they are not making themselves lovable. You cannot force someone to love you. You cannot force someone to respect you. Love and respect have to be earned – both from your chosen life-partner, and also from your in-laws " he stopped and looked at me.

"I can tell you now what the most frequent complaints are of men and women who are struggling to live together . The most frequent complaint of women about men is that they never listen" he looked Fahad
"and the most frequent complaint of men about women is that they are always trying to change them" he said looking at yasmin

"I suppose you will try to change each other ,but be warned. If you think your partner has any faults now, which you hope you might be able to put right later on ,think again. Any irritants only become worse with age, and even more irritating."

"I can remember when i was young, my dad always threw his socks around the house whenever he came back from work. My mum hated it" he stopped and laughed.
"she complained every single day. But after he died, one day she sat down, and told me how silly it was to have been angry about such a small thing"
"She cried saying she won't mind picking them up everyday if he were to be back"

"So If you spend all your time trying to stop your partner being what he or she is, you will get as much pleasure out of it as banging your head against a brick wall. The only thing you can successfully adjust is your own attitude to it.
So, be noble, be kind, be tolerant, compassionate and generous to each other . May Allah bless you and keep your souls safe in His hands."
"Ameen" we chorused
"May He send his angels to guard and guide you"
"May He keep away from you all harm of those things that would harm you, and bless your marriage with trust, joy, and every good thing"
"Ameen Ameen"
"Allah yayi muku albarka"

They both left his parlor.
Fahad looked out of it. As if he was thinking deeply.
She started walking past him to go back to her room when he called out
"Na'am" She answered as she turned around
"Can i get your passport "
"Why" she asked
"Uhmm" he said while scratching his head " my mum planned a 5 day holiday for us"
"Ohhh" she said while staring at him.

She went into her room and got the passport
"Here " she said while handing it to him
"I'll take my leave then " he said

She looked around the house and noticed that they were less people now.
People had already started leaving the house for the yini.
Her mind kept going back to daddy's speech
She went into her room to see mama sitting on her bed
"Kin dawo(you're back)" she said while looking at her.
Before she knew it, tears were rolling down her face.
"Mama na fasa(I'm no longer interested)" she said while crying
Mama wrapped her arms around her
"Shhhh" she said while consoling her
"I don't want to get married to him" she hiccuped while crying
She cried so hard till she got tired of crying.
"Aure nufin Allah ne" Mama said when she had calmed down.
"It's okay for you to feel that way. On my wedding day after my kamu i cried to my mum telling her that i wanted the wedding cancelled but she simply laughed and said 'nashiga uku, yau kinjini da 'ya bake kikace kinaso ba'. Whenever i look back to that day, i smile because marrying your dad has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. I'm so proud of you "she said while cupping her face.
"Get some sleep before the dinner. You don't have to attend the yini. I'll just tell them that you have a headache."
"Tohm mama" she said as laid down.

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