Chapter 6: I'll think about it

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"What actions are most excellent? To gladden the heart of human beings, to feed the hungry, to help the afflicted, to lighten the sorrow of the sorrowful, and to remove the sufferings of the injured." (Bukhari)

I was really looking forward to going to the hospital at 9 am today as i had no surgeries. Normally, after praying fajr i take my bath and leave for the Hospital. But today after praying i laid down on the bed to sleep. Literally, 10 minutes after laying down, my phone started ringing.

I looked at the caller ID and noticed that it was Alice, a nurse that works in the neuro department.
"Dr, there was a patient that came in last night and he needs an immediate surgery"
"I'll be right there"
I quickly took a bath and walked out of my room. I checked my parents' room to see that baba was still in the mosque and mama sitting on her praying mat.
"Salamu Alaikum!" I said "mama ina kwana(good morning mama)"
"Alaikum Assalam" she said while smiling " har za'a wuce(leaving already?)"
"Eh mama wai (yes, that)a patient needs surgery"
"Make sure you eat something before you leave"
I went down, grabbed an apple and left.

After i reached the hospital, i washed up, wore my scrubs and entered the operation room. The patient was brought in and i began to perform the surgery.
I started by opening the patient's head, using a drill to create a burr hole. Through the burr hole, I inserted an intraventricular catheter, which will penetrates the membrane that surrounds the brain to drain excess fluid.
The catheter also relieves pressure caused by excessive cerebrospinal fluid.

When i was done, i left the resident students to suture the brain.
I changed out of the scrubs and entered the emergency ward. The patient's wife was the first person i ran into
"Dr how is he? How was the surgery?" She asked
"Alhamdulillah" i said "it was a success. He'd be discharged within the next few days" i said while smiling at her.

After seeing my patients, i went back to my office and sat down while going through my schedule. This week was going to be stress free as i had just one surgery to perform and it was a minor one.
I heard the door open and i looked up to see Maryam coming in with mischievous smile.

"Hey" she said

"Where have you been and why are you smiling like that" i said while eyeing her " you look creepy"

"Uhmm well i might have told Fahad that you don't have any more surgeries to do today so he said he'll be here later today"

"Wait what" i said while scrunching my face.

"Yasmin he has been coming for the past two weeks. Stop avoiding him for God's sake " she said "listen, atleast just for today" She added

"Oh God" i said while covering my face with my hands " why did i slap him last time?"
I started panicking. "What if he slaps me back today" i said while staring at her with my eyes wide open

"He's a man"she said while laughing "he won't hit you"

"He better not" i said.


Around 5pm after seeing my last patient I heard someone knocking on my door.

"Come in" i said

"Assalamu Alaikum" i heard the person say. I looked up to see Fahad.
He stood in front of me akwardly "i waited until you had seen all your patients " he announced.
"Ohh" i said " have a sit please" I gestured at a chair.
He sat down majestically on the seat opposite mine.
"I came twice last week and was told both times that you had just left"
"Yeah" i said while rummaging through my bag.
" i just want to talk about 'the' situation, the sooner we get it done with, the better" he added.
"A year is too much to ask for"I replied flatly
"Well it's not like i want to spend a whole year under the same roof as you as well"
"It's not like i want to too" i retorted
"Well i'm an impatient person and the longer we wait the faster the company slips away from my hand, baba spent years building that company and I can't stand and watch it get into the wrong hands"
"I'll think about it" i said.


A week later, during my lunch break i decided to go to the coffee shop in the hospital.
I was drinking iced coffee latte and swiping through my phone when i heard someone clear his throat.
I looked up to see Fahad.
I dropped my coffee on the table and stared at him blankly.
He dragged a chair and sat down on my table.

"Seems like the hospital is now your new home " i sarcastically said while sipping my drink.
"I was told that i'd find you here" he said
"Well to what do i owe this pleasant surprise" i said sarcastically
"You know why i'm here" he said eyeing me.
"I'm still thinking" i said
He folded his arms and stared at me. "Are you purposely doing this?" he asked
"Doing what?"
"This" he said while waving his hands around. "I know that you'll eventually say yes but why are you taking long"
I stared at him but couldn't say anything. I had so much respect for his dad and if this is what he wanted then i was ready to do it
"I'll tell my parents"
"Thank you" he said. "After one year you're free to walk out, I promise".

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