Chapter 24: Deception

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Yasmin's eyes widened in shock as she watched Fahad turn his attention back to Zarah, his actions swift and determined. Without another word, he seized Zarah's arm and hurriedly dragged her toward the garden behind them.

A sense of unease settled in the pit of Yasmin's stomach as she witnessed the sudden urgency in Fahad's movements. Questions swirled in her mind, each one more troubling than the last. What could Fahad and Zarah possibly need to discuss in private, away from prying eyes?

As they disappeared into the darkness of the garden, Yasmin was left standing in the parking lot, her heart heavy with uncertainty and apprehension. Something about the exchange left her feeling unsettled, as if she had stumbled upon a secret too heavy to bear. She looked up and suddenly noticed few of Fahad's family members staring at her with pity so she quickly walked to the car and drove herself home.


"I'm going to tell Yasmin everything," Zarah's voice trembled with a mix of anger and hurt, her eyes flashing with determination.

Fahad's heart skipped a beat, panic clawing at his chest as he struggled to maintain his composure. "You wouldn't dare," he retorted, his voice tinged with desperation.

Zarah's lips curled into a bitter smile, a glint of defiance in her gaze. "Try me," she challenged, her words like a dagger aimed straight at his heart.

Fahad's grip tightened on her hand, his knuckles turning white with the force of his grasp. "You don't know what you're getting yourself into," he warned, his tone laced with threat. Fahad knew that their shared secret was teetering on the edge of exposure, their carefully guarded deception hanging by a thread.

But Zarah refused to back down, her resolve unyielding."Yasmin deserves to know the truth." voice ringing with defiance.

"Are you back to drinking Zarah? Or did you smoke something? Because if you're in your right senses you know not to mess with me" he said in a chilly tone. "How dare you threaten me?" at this point his eyes were bloodshot and he was breathing hard with fury.

Zarah quickly took a step back scared of the monstrous look he had on his face. She knew how bad his anger issues were. He walked really close to her and stared dead in her eyes and said "mention her name one more time, I dare you" with his eyes filled rage.  Without another word,he turned around and walked to the parking lot only to find the spot he had parked the car empty.

Fudge! he screamed as he kicked a pebble on the ground. I told her to
wait for me, how dare she drive home. He said fuming with anger.

He angrily walked into the security post by the gate. "Where are the keys to Hajiya's cars?" He questioned the security guard, his voice echoing in the room.

"Hajiya took all yesterday, Sir" The guard said shaking in fear.

With a heavy sigh, Fahad's mind raced as he contemplated how to navigate the delicate situation with Hajiya. He knew that explaining Yasmin's sudden departure without him would require finesse and tact, especially considering his mother's habit for probing questions.

"Ohh" The guard said suddenly  "Mr Hashim left the keys to the Prado here incase he blocked someone's car" He added quickly pulling the keys from the shelf.

"Perfect" Fahad said taking the keys and rushing out into the car.

Breathing heavily, he drove with a reckless urgency, his foot heavy on the accelerator as if he were in a Formula 1 race.

"How dare she leave me and drive home alone" Fahad seethed, his anger simmering beneath the surface. The sting of abandonment burned in his chest, fueling his frustration and indignation.


Yasmin drove home in silence. She thought back at the wave of emotions she felt as she stared at the love of her life dragging his supposed ex lover into the darkness of the garden behind them. What could they have possibly talked about that they needed such privacy. she scoffed.

"I know they were together before our wedding... but are they still together now?" she mused. "I never suspected him of cheating. But if he was with her first, does that make me the other woman? What kind of relationship did they have? Has our entire relationship been a lie?" The questions lingered, casting a shadow over her thoughts. She turned into their driveway and pushed on the brakes to park.

"Could he be planning to marry her too? Why did I fall for Fahad so quickly?"Yasmin's mind raced with possibilities. "Innalillahi wa inna illahir rajiun, can my heart handle all this?" she questioned herself as she felt tears rolling down her face.

Should I go home for a few days before things calm down. She thought. But what will I tell them, that he had a fight with his ex and i'm suspecting him of cheating on me?. Another thought said.

I need to gather proof, and then i'll decide on what to do next.

She opened the door and was about to step out of the car when Fahad drove into their driveway. Fahad's heart pounded in his chest as he slammed on the brakes and jumped out of the car almost before it had come to a complete stop. His eyes fell upon her coming out of the car.

As Fahad approached her, a jumble of emotions swirled within him — anger, confusion, and a deep-seated longing for understanding. She turned to face him, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.

"Yasmin," he began, his voice thick with emotion. "Why did you leave me? Why didn't you wait for me?"

His words hung in the air, the weight of their fractured relationship pressing down on them both. In that moment, beneath the dim glow of the streetlights, Fahad and Yasmin stood at a crossroads, their hearts laid bare and vulnerable to the night.

"It didn't look like your conversation was ending any time soon so I felt to give you two time to discuss" she said flatly before staring deeply into his eyes. "Are you cheating on me Fahad?" she bluntly questioned.

He suddenly looked at her taken aback at her directness, surprised at the guts she had to question him in a straightforward manner.

Fahad's throat tightened as he struggled to find the words, his mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. He opened his mouth to speak, but no sound came out. Fear and doubt held him captive, paralyzing his tongue and leaving him mute in the face of Yasmin's pain. Her eyes searched his face, silently pleading for answers. But all she found was silence—a void where words should have been.
She turned around, ready to walk away, when Fahad's hand reached out to grasp hers. "Wait," he said, his voice barely a whisper. "It's not what you think, I can explain."

Yasmin gently withdrew her hands from Fahad's grip, her expression calm but resolute as she met his gaze. "Your silence answers it, Fahad," she said softly, her words weighted with disappointment. "Save yourself from the stress." Without another word, she turned on her heel and walked away, retreating into her wing of the house.
It had been months since she had set foot in this part of their home, ever since her relationship with Fahad had begun to blossom. But tonight was different. Tonight, the weight of the truth hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over their once-peaceful abode.

As she closed the door behind her, Yasmin couldn't bear the thought of sleeping next to Fahad, not after what she now knew. As soon as she walked in, she crumbled, shedding tears she didn't know was humanly possible.

Is this how my life will turn into? She questioned herself, her voice barely a whisper in the stillness of her room. She curled into herself, folding her body into an infantile position as if seeking solace in the safety of her own embrace. But even as she sought refuge in the darkness of her solitude, the weight of her reality pressed down on her like a relentless force, threatening to crush her spirit beneath its unyielding weight.


Author's note:

Hold onto your seats, dear readers!
it's time to buckle up for the ride of a lifetime. Get ready to dive back into their world in the next chapter, where secrets will be spilled, mysteries
unraveled, and adventures abound. Don't miss out—see you there for all the excitement!

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