Chapter 22: The Love birds

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Fahad turned to the other side of his bed and saw Yasmin's face glowing under the sunrays that had peeked through the curtains. She looked so peaceful and cute. How could someone look this beautiful early in the morning. He thought as he brushed his hand through her hair. He looked at the wall clock. 6:45am, it said, and he felt bad as he had to wake her up as they were getting late for work.

'baby" he whispered.
She tossed and slowly opened her big brown eyes. As soon as her eyes fell on his face she smiled and closed her eyes again.

"how long have you been staring at me" she asked as she opened them up again.

"an hour" he teased as he pulled her into a hug. "did you sleep okay?" he asked.

"Yes, I even had a dream about performing a surgery on Nelson Mandela" she chuckled.

"what!" he said laughing. "I thought he was dead"

"he is" she laughed.

"let's go get ready for work while you tell me all about this dream of yours" he said as he scooped her from the bed.

It's been 8 months since Fahad and Yasmin had gotten married and they've found a way to build a relationship which seemed to be flourishing. For Fahad, Yasmin was showing him a side to life he never imagined he will experience. Everything about her was different from what he was used to in the past. She was soft spoken, well learned and very respectful.
He had so much peace in his house that he couldn't imagine life without Yasmin.

Truth to be told Fahad was forgetting about Zarah.


He dropped her off at the hospital and drove to his office. As he was parking his car, his phone began ringing.

*Ring* *Ring*

"Mama na(My Mum)" He said cheerfuly as he picked up the phone. "Good morning"

"How are you?" She asked equally happy.

"I'm fine, alhamdulillah. How are you up this early?" he asked as he got down from the car and started walking into the building.

"Have you forgotten that today is our yearly family dinner" He widened his eyes and quickly looked at the calendar on his phone. Fudge! "urgh" he said as he remembered he'll have to meet zarah.

She has been blasting his phone with calls and sending him threats. All of which he ignores.

" you can tell her that she doesn't need to bring anything as I'm sure she will be tired after working today".

"What?" He asked as he entered into his office. He had completely zoned out.

"Water and garri. It's me you're asking what Fahad?. Go and ask your grandma."

He laughed. "I was looking at the calendar Hajiya. What did you say please?"

"I don't know" she said while laughing. "See you later, I have things to do" She said as she disconnected the call.

Fahad sat on his chair and quickly messaged Yasmin

"Babe, it completely skipped my mind, there's a family dinner today by 7pm at the main house, we don't have to take anything, so don't bother stressing yourself. We'll talk later after my meeting. Take care. "

*knock* *knock.* "Sir?"

"Yes come in"

"Sir they're here, the meeting will start in 5"

"Okay" He said as he stood up and followed his secretary to the conference room.


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