Chapter 14: Hawaii

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I looked out the window excitedly.
I could feel Fahad's eyes on me as but I chose to ignore him. 


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I've always wanted to be here

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I've always wanted to be here. I remember back in high school when I told Mama that I wanted us to go there for the holidays ,she stared at me and said "wait till you get married then you can ask your husband to take you".  Sure enough, here I was in Hawaii with my husband.

We parked in front of a hotel and came down. Fahad led the way into the lobby. He opened the door and as I came closer to it, he let it go and I immediately stopped the door with my foot. What a gentleman ! I scoffed.

"Hello, welcome to Safe Haven Hotel" said the lady at the reception.
"Hello" Fahad said.  "I booked a two bedroom suite earlier and I have the booking number here with me"
"Okay sir give me your name"
"Fahad Aminu"
"Okay give me a minute"
"Ohh yes Mr Aminu" she said while staring at the system. "Are you sure you booked a suite sir?" She asked curiously.
"What do you mean?" Fahad asked confused.
"All the suites are fully booked sir"
"But I booked one"
"Yes you did however it does not show up on the computer sir" she said apologetically. "I can look for you however it may take time"
"How long"
"Maybe 5 hours"
"It's okay." He sighed.  "What other rooms do you have"
"We have a one bedroom suite with an access to a private beach and a private pool. "
"Okay we'll just have that"

We were escorted to the room. It wasn't as small as I had imagined. It was actually really huge.
I dropped my bag and went to perform ablution. I took out my hijab and was about to pray when I saw that Fahad was about to pray too so I stood behind him and prayed with him.
I yawned and checked my phone to see that it was about 10pm.
I opened my box to take out my pajamas when I gasped. The box was filled with skimpy clothes. Fahad looked up and I quickly closed the box embarrassingly.
I rummaged through it and saw something comfortable that I could wear.
I went to the bed and took the pillows. I could feel Fahad's eyes on me.
"I'll sleep on the sofa" I said. 
"Okay" Fahad said
What a gentleman man! I said inwardly as I rolled my eyes.

I laid down on the sofa and closed my eyes , I rolled to the other side to get more comfortable but it seemed more uncomfortable.
I hissed and tried to force my self to sleep.
After thousands of tossing around, I finally slept. Shortly after, I was woken up for fajr which i prayed before going back to the "comfortable sofa".

I was woken up by rays of sunshine that peeked through the curtains. I stood up from the sofa and noticed that Fahad wasn't on the bed so i made my way to the bathroom to take a shower.
I was drying my hair when I remembered that I hadn't taken my clothes inside the bathroom with me. I gently opened an inch and peeped through the gap. I looked at the bed to see that Fahad was still not in the room. I ran out, opened up the box and sat on the chair beside it contemplating on what to wear. I finally decided to wear an off shoulder dress and tied my hair around into a top bun before making my way to the beach.

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I was greeted by the sound of the waves and the smell of the salty water

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I was greeted by the sound of the waves and the smell of the salty water. I closed my eyes and deeply inhaled.
"The queen is finally awake" I heard someone say. I turned around to see Fahad sitting on a hammock. I went closer and sat beside him. We both looked at the waves, each of us with so much to think of.
Fahad stood up and went inside leaving me in my own thoughts. Shortly after, he came out with a tray of food. He kept it in front of me "eat" he said. " I don't want my mum telling me that I starved you to death" he added.
"Thank you" i said as I smiled. "Have you eaten?" I asked
"Yes" He said " I woke up 2 hours ago"
"Do you have a sim" I asked curiously.
"Yes I do. You need one?"
"No it's fine I can use your phone whenever I want to call home"
"Cool" he said as he looked down into his phone.


I was in the room in the night when he came rushing in and gave me his phone
"it's Hajiya, she wants to talk to you" he said while giving me the phone.
"Salamu Alaikum" I said shyly.
"Wa alaimum assalam yata(my daughter). Kuna lafiya(how are you)" she said sweetly in a motherly tone.
"Lafiya kalau(I'm fine)"
"I hope you're enjoying it there" she asked.
"Yes I am, thank you" I smiled
"If he bothers you don't hesitate to report him to me" she said jokingly
I giggled and looked at him "Tohm(okay) Hajiya"
"Allah ya miki albarka seda safe(may Allah bless you, Good night)"
"Ameen, Seda safe Hajiya(good night)" I said as I handed him the phone.

I picked up the pillows and made my way to the sofa. I groaned as I remembered that I hardly slept yesterday on the stupid thing. I grumbled about how uncomfortable it was waiting for Fahad to offer the bed to me. I looked up and saw him sleeping or atleast pretending to. I hissed and laid down. I eventually gave in and slept off.

Hey lovelies 💖
I'm sorry for the short chapter. I'm trying to upload regularly.
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