Chapter 29: The End

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Today was the naming ceremony. Fahad and Yasmin had decided to name the girls after their mothers; Aisha and Hafsa so Fahad gave them nicknames, Rawdah and Jannah.
Yasmin's family house was slowly becoming packed with family. She retreated back to her room where Maryam, Khadija and Amina were attending to the girls who were crying.

"Where have you been" Maryam screamed at her in a low tone as she shook Rawdah soothingly.

"Sorry! I was getting my turban tied by the gele artist, Fahad's family is on their way" she said as she proceeded to zip down her dress to feed the girls. "I'll never get used to feeding them at the same time" she said while scruching her nose.

Khadija and Amina busted into laughter "you look like goat feeding her kids" Khadija said.

"Shhh!" Maryam said while throwing one of the baby's shoe at her. "I pray you end up with triplets"

"Haba Maryam" she whined.

They all laughed.

*knock* *knock*
"Who's there" Amina called out

"It's me, Jamal"

"Feeding time" they all chorused.

"I'll go send him off" khadija said while smiling.

"You look very very suspicious Khadija" maryam mentioned making the other two look at Khadija who had rushed out of the room.

"What's going on between the two ?" Yasmin asked in a confused tone.

"I think they're dating," Amina said, "but I've been acting as if I don't know."

Yasmin raised an eyebrow. "Dating? Khadija and Jamal? Are you serious?"

Amina nodded, her expression thoughtful. "I've noticed the way they look at each other and they fight less now, so there's definitely something going on."

Maryam glanced towards the door where Khadija had exited. "And you haven't said anything?"

Amina shook her head. "I figured it's their business. Plus, Khadija would tell us when she's ready."

Just then, Khadija returned, looking a bit flustered but trying to appear nonchalant. "All done. Jamal's gone."

Maryam smirked. "So, Khadija, anything you want to share with us?"

Khadija's eyes darted between Maryam, Yasmin and Amina, a hint of panic in her expression. "What do you mean?"

"You know what we're talking about" Maryam said in a teasing tone.

"We started dating shortly before Yasmin's wedding"

"What!!" They all screamed.

"Shhh! The babies" Khadija reminded them.

"Uhmm where do I start from" she trailed. "He called me one day telling me that he's always liked me but couldn't find the courage to come clean, so we decided to start off as friends, and here we are."

"Whattt!!" Maryam screamed again " Miracles of Allah! I swear I would have never imagined you two together"

Khadija blushed and looked at her hands "Yasmin I can feel you starting daggers at me"

"I'm just hurt none of you told me about the relationship"

Khadija's face softened "I guess we got carried away keeping the secret" She looked around the room before saying "I'm not the only one keeping a secret" she said looking at Maryam.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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