Chapter 13: Conveyance of the bride

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I chewed my nail nervously and checked my watch for the 100th time. I heard the door open and I quickly turned around
"They're coming in 10 minutes"Maryam said.
I felt my heart sink.
She was referring to the groom's family. According to our tradition, the groom's family picks up the bride and takes her to the husband's house.
"Okay" I said. I cleared my throat as my voice had already became hoarse from crying.
"I'll be right back " she said as she left the room.

Shortly after Mama came into my room. I looked up to see her face but she refused to make eye contact.
"Wear this " she said handing me a laffaya(a cloth that is tied around like a sari)

"Wear this " she said handing me a laffaya(a cloth that is tied around like a sari)

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"Mama I don't know how to tie it"
"You kids of nowadays" she mumbled.
She unfolded it and started tying it on top of my ankara skirt and blouse that was made to perfection.
All through it, i kept on staring at her to see if she'll give up and make eye contact with me.
Mama has this habit of refusing to show her emotions. She suppresses them so as to seem strong to us.
"Sit" she said as she patted to a place close to her. 
"I know you're a good person Yasmin so I know you won't let our family down"
"Mamaa" I said as my tears began to fall.
"Don't do anything that you know would lead to you and your husband to fight. If you notice that he hates something then strive to stay away from it. "
"Are you even hearing me " she asked
I looked up with my teary eyes to see her red shot eyes. I quickly wiped my tears and replied "eh mama(yes mama)"
"I don't want to hear that something happened between you two and that you're coming back home"
"Tohm mama(okay mama)"
"Sallamu Alaikum" maryam said as she peeped into the room.
"Wa alaikum assalam" we answered
"Mama, sunzo(they are here)"
My heart started pounding uncontrollably.
"Zo kikaita wurin babanta (come and take her to her father)"
"Tohm mama(okay mama)"maryam said.
She helped me up and we started walking towards my dad's side. I raised up my laffayya so I could see clearly.
"I'll be here" maryam whispered as she stood outside daddy's parlor.
"Salamu Alaikum" I said as I entered daddy's parlor.
"Wa Alaikum Assalam"Dad answered as he smiled.
"Daddy ina wuni(Good evening daddy)"
"Lafiya kalau mamana(I'm fine thank you my daughter)" he said still smiling. "harzunzo su tafi mun da ke koh(they're already here to take you away from me right)" he said in a sad tone
"Uhmm" I said as I couldn't bring myself to talk due to the dam of tears that I didn't want to flow.
He held my hands and looked at me "The day I drove home from the hospital after you and Jamal were born was a new beginning for me. To be the father of a son seemed a bit okay but of a daughter seemed a bit overwhelming but because i kept anticipating for your life and for our relationship , it helped me overcome my fears and work hard to be a father worthy of such a daughter.

I want you to be true to each other always. Share your joys and your burdens, love much and laugh much, be each other's best friend.  Always speak well of one another, even in private"
I looked down through my glassy eyes and i felt the tears starting to fall.
"If things don't go well, forgive as often as it is required. Married life is an adventure and you embark today on that adventure together."
"One day, if you are fortunate as I have been, you will stand in awe of a new life entering your family. That will be another beginning, filled with apprehension and anticipation. Bring to that relationship the same level of love and commitment you do to your marriage, and you will find joy beyond compare, kinji ni(do you hear me?)"
"I trust you so please don't let me down" he added.
I stood up and hugged him.  All the tears, anger and pain I've been holding spilled down my cheeks.
"Yasmin do you want to finish all your tears?" He said while patting my back.
When I was satisfied with the amount of tears shed, I let go of him and looked at him. Today was the last day that I was going to be in my father's house as his daughter. Once I step out of the house I'll be someone else's wife.
"You feel better now" he asked worriedly.
"Eh daddy(yeah daddy)"
"They're waiting for you" he said as he smiled.
"Go" he added while nodding his head towards the door.
As soon as we entered the main living room, I met my aunts patiently waiting.
"Oyya let's go . They have been waiting for you"
They pulled my laffaya to cover my face.
"Maryam help her down"
Maryam led me down and I could feel everyone's eyes on me.
I heard mama's voice beside me and I felt her hug me.
I started crying as realization dawned upon me that they were taking me away.
"Take care of yourself " she whispered.
"Take her away" she said, her voice shaking. "They are waiting " she added as she wiped her tears.
"Mama" I said while holding onto her.
I felt someone pull me away from her.

"Enter" I heard maryam say. I looked down and saw that we were by the car.
All through the ride, I was crying uncontrollably.
"Stop crying" one of my aunts said " I am even surprised, nowadays all these new brides don't even cry. They just cover their faces and pretend to be crying meanwhile they are anticipating to see their husbands "
I felt maryam pat my back "don't let your face swell, his parents will request for another bride" she said teasingly.
I elbowed her in her ribs.
"Ouch my heart " she said jokingly.
I looked down and smiled. She was doing all this in an attempt to make me smile and it worked.
I heard the car park and the door was opened.
"We're going to his mum's house first "I heard someone say.

From the noise, I could tell that we had entered her side.
I was sat down in the middle of the parlor and ogled at like a medical specimen.
His mum came to me and raised my laffaya
"Masha Allah she really is indeed pretty"
I looked down and suddenly the carpet seemed interesting to look at.
The ladies started making noises with their noses and mouths(Guda).
Someone helped me up and we proceeded to my house.

It was a 10 minutes drive, when we reached the door I said some prayers before we entered inside the house.
The first thing that hit my nose was the smell of bakhoor, and I smiled because it smelled just like mama's scent.
I was led to a room and sat. Khadija and amina were trying so hard to cheer me up. Maryam on the other hand just held my hands silently.
I heard the door open and I waited to hear who it was "oyya girls let's go" khadija's mum said.
"Okay" they said in monotoned tone.
"Amarya(bride) we'll see you soon" khadija said.
I felt someone hug and whisper "everything will be fine inshaa Allah" I smiled knowing it was maryam.

After everyone left, I got tired of sitting and waiting for Fahad so I changed into something comfortable and I went round to see how the house looked. I peeped through the window of the parlor and saw a car park, shortly after Fahad came out of the car. I quickly closed the curtains in fear that he'll see me. I rushed back to my room and sat down on the bed.

I waited to see if he was coming to my room and some minutes later, a sound came from my phone indicating that a new message was sent.
I took my phone and started opened the the message.
"Get ready we're leaving for the airport by 10pm today. PS stop ogling at me from the window"
I gasped. So he saw me.
I hissed when I realized that it was already 9:30pm. I only had half an hour to get ready.
I stood up and showered. When i came out of the bathroom, I entered my walk in closet and the things i saw made me laugh.
My clothes hung and by the side, a box was kept and labeled "Honeymoon, open only when you reach there". This was clearly khadija's handwriting. I looked at the clothes that were hung and was contemplating on what to wear before taking out my Hanayen abaya, wore it and looked at the mirror. "Perfect "
I sprayed myself with perfume, wrapped my hijab around my head and then carried my Hermes handbag.

I ripped off the paper on the box, dragged it out of my room and waited for him in my parlor as I didn't know my way out.
*kon kon kon* someone knocked.
I stood up and opened the door to see a man.
"Madam ina wuni(good evening)"
"Lafiya kalau(evening)"
"Oga yace in karbi akwatinki kuma yana waje(oga said I should take your box and tell you that he's outside)
He led me outside to a car and I entered.
"Does it take you hours to get ready" he grumbled.
"No it doesn't " I said while eyeing him. "You should have told me that we were leaving today"
I heard him mumble something under his breath but I didn't bother asking what he said.
The drive to the airport was a long and awkward one so as soon as we parked, I jumped out of the car.

We rushed through the airport as the plane was already boarding.
I found out that we were going to Hawaii from the announcements .
When we entered the flight, we sat on our first class seats he turned to look at me
"If you had gotten ready faster, we won't have had this problem" Fahad said while snaring at me.
"You also came back late so we should share the blame" I argued while whispering.
He took out his eye mask and covered his eyes"I need to sleep so please find someone to talk to " I heard him faintly say.
"Who? Me?" I asked confused
"No, me" he said sarcastically.

It really is going to be one heck of a week! I thought as I closed my eyes to sleep.


Hello lovelies 💖
I know it's been a while but I've been soo soo busy, however, I'll try and post a new chapter atleast once a week.
Thank you so much for reading.
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