Chapter 23: The Family Dinner

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"Positive" it read.
It might just be faulty, she thought as she rushed to the cabinet and brought out all the pregnancy tests.
She peed on them and each one read the same thing,


"Ohh Allah" she said quickly placing them in a black plastic bag before throwing them into the bin. She washed her hands and face before walking out of the bathroom.

"How long have you been in there?" She heard a voice say which made her jump.

"Calm down, it's just me" Fahad said looking at her with a questioning look as he took off his tie and socks.

She cleared her throat and looked at her watch. It was 6:45pm,
"You're back" she said.

"Yeah I had another meeting after we spoke. They didn't want me to come back to my wife" he says as he pulled her into a hug.
"Why is your heart beating fast?" he asked.

She smiled nervously and said "Ohh it's nothing. Probably because you scared me."
He looked at her suspiciously but then let it go.

"Will you eat something before we leave for Hajiya's" she asked as if to change the topic.

"No, I'm not hungry, I'll just take a shower and then we'll be on our way "

"Okay" she said as she took the tie from his hands and went into the closet to put it away.

Yasmin's mind kept going over the pregnancy test.
What have I gotten myself into she thought. How did my oral pills fail me?. Am I a special case of the 0.1% chance of failure pills have? Will fahad embrace the idea of welcoming a child before the year ends? What if he still wants us to separate after our one year agreement?.

"Ohh God" Yasmin said she closed her eyes with her hands.

"What is wrong" he asked, coming into the closet while drying off his hair with a small face towel.

"Uhmm" she said as she clasped her fingers. Had she been standing for that long in the closet. she thought to herself.
She lifted up her face and looked at him. "I think I'm ..........."

*ring* *ring*

Perfect. Yasmin thought. Now I have time to think about the lie to tell him.

"I'm sorry" Fahad said as he looked at his phone. He muted it and looked at her. "Don't bother, you were saying..."

"Ohh no, answer your phone. It might be important considering it's coming this late" Yasmin said.

"Okay." He said reluctantly picking up the call. "Hello. Yeah. Ohh did I forget it there. Don't worry keep it on my table I'll get it tomorrow. Thank you. Bye". He disconnected the call.

"I left my other phone at the office" he laughed.
"I swear I thought it was in my office bag. What were you saying, go on."

"Ohh" Yasmin said. "Uhmm I was thinking about what to take to the dinner" she said smartly.

"Ohh no Hajiya said to tell you she just wants our presence. Nothing else. So don't stress yourself" he said looking at her. "You look beautiful" he added, twirling her around to have a better look at her outfit.

 "You look beautiful" he added, twirling her around to have a better look at her outfit

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