Chapter 16: Guilt

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Fahad's POV

Our days in Hawaii were coming to an end. I actually can't wait to leave this hellhole.
I groaned as I remembered that it was actually my mum that had pressed on the trip.
My phone rang and I picked up.

"Hello" I said as I left the room.

"Ango ango!!(groom)" Ibrahim said.
"How far now" he added.

"Fine aboki na"I said as I sat on down.

"How's your Princess?"he asked jokingly.

"Hmm remember how I told you that I had things up my sleeve?"

"Yes and i told you to be careful " he warned.

"Wait don't tell me you did something to her?" he asked, his voice laced with panic.

"It was just a prank"I said.

"You pranked her?" He asked in a shocked tone.

I told him about what had happened yesterday.
As i was talking on the phone, i heard someone gasp, so I quickly turned around with my eyes wide and mouth hanging agape.

"What do you mean?" she asked calmly.

I quickly took my phone that had fallen to the ground and disconnected the call.

"I can explain " I said while dusting the sand off my phone.

"Which part of it was fake?" she asked as she started walking towards me.

"Calm down" I said flatly.

"Was there even anything real that happened yesterday?" she screamed.

I looked away from her face suddenly finding the sky interesting to look at.

"I never knew you could sink this low" she said while looking at me dead in the eyes which made me shiver.
"You disgust me" she added as she sneered and turned around.

"Wait. Let me explain" I shouted as I walked behind her.

She quickly ran into the room and locked the door behind her.

"Yasmin" I called as I banged on the door.

A day before.

I took out my phone and called Ibrahim a very good friend of mine.

"Ango(newly wed)"

"Ibro" I laughed.

"Where is your wife?" He asked.

"Around" I said uninterested.

"You guys are funny i swear"he laughed. "You're in Hawaii for God's sake. Go have fun. Fall in love."

I laughed. "Mr Love doctor, Ministry of love affairs. "

"Seriously you guys should better start getting along with each other, after all you two will be stuck together for a very very long time"he said slowly as if he was talking to a child.

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