Chapter 28: Love is in the air

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The following day around 9pm, Dr Samira came in and examined Yasmin. "Yasmin, I'm pleased to say that you and the baby are doing well, so I'll be discharging you" she began, her voice gentle yet firm. "However, I want to emphasize the importance of taking care of yourself during this pregnancy."

She paused, allowing her words to sink in before continuing, "Pregnancy can be physically demanding, and it's crucial that you prioritize your health and well-being. Remember to get plenty of rest, stay hydrated, and follow a balanced diet rich in nutrients. Avoid excessive stress and strenuous activities, and listen to your body if you feel any discomfort or unusual symptoms."

Samira's tone grew more earnest as she added, "And please, don't hesitate to reach out if you have any concerns or questions. Your health and the health of your baby are our top priorities, and we're here to support you every step of the way."

With a reassuring smile, Samira concluded, "Take good care of yourself, Yasmin. And congratulations on your growing family."

"Thank you so much" Yasmin said as she readjusted her hijab and looked towards Fahad.

"Let's go" he said gently helping her off the bed and onto her feet. He carefully guided her into the car before going around and getting in himself. The drive back home was quiet and long. They haven't been in each others company in 3 months and it felt like they were strangers. As soon as he parked the car in their drive way he went around and opened up her door and carefully pulled her out before walking her into her wing.
As Fahad led Yasmin to her bed, a weighty silence hung in the air. He dropped her bag which Ruth had taken to them at the hospital and made his way out of the room. Just as he reached the doorway, a sudden resolve seized him, compelling him to turn back and face Yasmin once more.

"I've been hiding something from you too," Fahad confessed, his voice tinged with remorse as he braced himself for her reaction.

With a mixture of shock and curiosity, Yasmin watched him intently, her heart pounding in her chest as she awaited his revelation.

In a moment of raw honesty, Fahad reveals to Yasmin the harrowing ordeal he endured at the hands of Zarah. He recounts how Zarah had drugged him four months ago and told him he had impregnated her.

Fahad's confession lays bare the depths of Zarah's manipulation and deceit, leaving Yasmin stunned and horrified. Zarah used this dark secret as a weapon against Fahad, threatening to expose her treachery unless he submits to her demands of divorcing Yasmin before the pregnancy became apparent to the public and marrying her instead.

"Ever since I found out about the deceit I tried to get through to you, to explain everything, but all my efforts proved futile. I didn't know you were hiding this surprise from me" he said while kissing Yasmin's hand.

"I'm sorry" she whispered as she looked at him with glassy eyes. "I didn't know" she added as she leaned into his touch. "I shouldn't have judged too quickly"

"Well if I were in your shoes I would also do the same thing baby, I'm sure you had your reasons" he said while pulling her into an embrace.

Their bodies merged as one and they held each other for the first time in a long time.
"Promise me one thing" she suddenly said while looking at him, eyes glistened with tears.
"What is it" he questioned softly as he brushed her hair away from her face.
"No more secrets" she said her voice firm but soft
"No more secrets" he repeated while shaking his head in agreement.
"No matter how dirty and bad things are, we'll share them with each other"
"I agree with you and I promise you that I'll tell you everything now no matter how dirty and bad it is" he said leaning in to kiss her on the lips.

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