Chapter 10: Wedding Jitters

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A week to the wedding mama introduced a woman that would help Yasmin with "gyaran jiki" which is like a traditional spa done to beautify the bride's skin and body. And within no time, Yasmin's olive skin started glowing. She also had her henna done which looked amazing.
Fahad and Yasmin have still not spoken in a long time. She wasn't even sure if he was coming to the wedding or not.
Nevertheless, she continued her preparations for the wedding. Or rather, maryam, and her cousin's Amina and Khadija continued with the wedding preparations.
She took a time off from work and was to go back 10 days after the wedding.


Today was the kamu and she was extremely nervous but whenever she mentions it to mama she'll simply laugh and say it's just wedding jitters.

Bmpro was doing my makeup when maryam , amina and khadija came in wearing the anko for the kamu.
"La illah, kin dau colour" khadija said.

"Na bani ni dai " Yasmin said while laughing " kunyi kyau sosai wallahi(you all look beautiful)"

"Can the photographer come in and take photos of you while you're doing the makeup" maryam asked.

"Why not" Yasmin said while smiling.

The female photographer came in with Jamal
"La illah! Haba jamal yazaka saka bugaggiyar shadda kamar ango(why are you dressing like the grrom)" khadija said teasingly
"Ki hana toh(stop me then)" he said while glaring at her. "Ni nama tafi event center en" He huffed as he left.
They never get along. It's either Khadija teases Jamal and he gets angry or the other way round.

After her makeup was done, the girls helped Yasmin into her outfit which was a red buba and iro.

After her makeup was done, the girls helped Yasmin into her outfit which was a red buba and iro

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"Masha Allah " they all gushed as she turned around

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"Masha Allah " they all gushed as she turned around. The colour made her skin tone pop beautifully.

After a photo session, they entered the car Hashim sent them and made their way to the event center.
"I can't wait to dance" khadija sang .
Yasmin opened the door and was about to get down from the car
"wait" maryam said suddenly as she pushed the door close" let them clear the way"
"Okay tohm" Yasmin said as she sat back down in the car.
After few minutes she looked out the window and saw that the people had already moved from the way so she tried opening the door again
"Wait mana" maryam whined.
"The people are no longer by the door fa"
"Ke dai wait"
"Okay ma"

Few minutes later, Maryam opened the door.
"Come down" she said while smiling
Yasmin came down only to see Fahad coming out of a range rover.
She looked at maryam who feigned ignorance.
Amina and khadija stood in front of the couple while maryam stood behind them.
As soon as they entered the hall, all eyes fell on them.
There were camera flashes everywhere. Maryam helped her up the stairs and she sat.
Thirty minutes later, Yasmin was ushered to a room beside the stage and told to wait for the groom's family. Shortly after, she heard khadija talking

"Wallahi bazamu barku kuganta ba sai kun bamu kudi"

"Idan muka fito zamu baku" a woman said jokingly

"Ah ah bamu yarda ba" maryam said

"Toh zamu baku 50,000"

"Ah ah wallahi bamu yarda ba 1 million mukeso" they chorused

"Toh mu baku 200,000"

"Ah ah munki yarda"

"Toh shikenan ga 500,000"

The women came in and sprayed perfume on Yasmin and she was led back onto the stage.
All through the event, Fahad acted as if Yasmin was invincible.

After the event the girls went back to their room

"I didn't know Fahad was that fine"amina said teasingly as they were taking off their makeup.
"I'm going to tell your husband" Yasmin said.
"Kifi kuda gudu" she said while laughing.

After chatting for a while, they eventually got tired and slept off.


Yasmin was woken up around 7 am. Traditionally, the bride has to wake up early so that guests who come will see her all dressed up.
Around 1pm, they started getting ready for the mother's eve. Yasmin wore a purple lace and her bridesmaids wore a baby pink lace.

  Yasmin wore a purple lace and her bridesmaids wore a baby pink lace

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Maryam showed her a car and told her to enter.
At first she was hesitant but decided to go in either way. As soon as she opened the door a strong oud perfume hit her nose. She looked up and saw Fahad in the car. She entered the car with the help of her bridesmaids and they proceeded to the event hall.

Like yesterday, the hall was packed.
Midway, the mc asked the bridesmaids to bring down the bride to dance with them. She quickly shook her head but khadija was adamant and said that she should dance as today was her last day as a single lady.


"Wayyo kafana" Yasmin exclaimed as said as soon as her entered my room
"Kinga illar heels ko(that's the disadvantage of heels)" amina said " kintuna da bikina har jinya nayi(remember I got sick after my wedding because of them)" she said exaggeratedly

They all sat on the bed.
"Yanzu wai gobe shikenan kinzama matar Fahad" maryam said "how do you feel"
"normal" she said
"Irin dinan" khadija said as she hi fived maryam
"We better sleep" maryam said as she looked at the wall clock. " it's past 1" she added.
"True " they all agreed.

Yasmin kept tossing around the bed but couldn't sleep.

Around 2am,she stood up, performed ablution and started praying.
On her last sujood, she prayed and cried her heart out.
After praying, she took her qur'an and started reading.
Eventually, she started feeling her eyes drop, so she kept the qur'an and slept on the mat.

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