Chapter 2: The rich spoilt brat

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It's always funny whenever people ask me what I do for a living. Majority of them think I'm a college student so whenever I tell them I'm a neurosurgeon they always look at me as if I have double heads.

In high school after I finished my Jss1, I was promoted to Ss1. Unusual right, let me explain. The school convinced my parents that my IQ was very high and shouldn't be wasted, although my parents were against it, they agreed to let me do a term in ss1 to see whether I was capable or not. Well, let's just say I came out with the first position, no biggie.
That was when the bullying and the name calling began. People started pointing fingers at me saying my parents paid the school to promote me. However, in ss2, a national competition took place in Abuja and students were asked to vote for one person that would represent the school in the competition. Surprisingly, I was chosen. Majority voted me just to see my capability and I ended up winning the first place in all the subjects which were Chemistry, Biology, further mathematics, and physics. Well, that was when I regained my respect and people stopped calling me 'the rich spoilt brat' and started calling me 'qwaruwa' (the smart one)


I parked in front of Saraki hospital and came down from my car. I greeted Maria at the front desk before walking toward's Maryam's office.
I've been working here for almost 6 months and I've already bonded with most of the staffs. I entered without knocking and as usual, she had her back to the door and was typing furiously on her laptop and didn't notice me coming in. I slowly tiptoed to her, leaning close to her ears before screaming as loud as I could.
She immediately screamed and turned around with a look of horror.
"Morning" I said innocently.
"My heart almost came out of my chest" she shouted.
"Liar. You're a cardiologist so you should know better that the human heart can't just pop out of the chest"
"whatever " she said rolling her eyes.

Maryam is the only person that gets to see this side of me.
People always ask me why I'm so stiff and too professional without knowing that I have a playful side I show those closest to me.

"How is baba?" I asked as a sat opposite her.

"I just came back from your department and was told that his vitals are stable now. "

"Let me go see him"

Baba or Alhaji Aminu Yusuf is a 71 year old man that has been in the hospital for the past two months. He was brought in one day by his secretary unconsciously.
After series of CT scans and MRI, we found out that he was suffering from Brain Cancer Stage II. Whenever we ask him about his family he tells us that he has none here in Nigeria.
Amongst all the doctors in the hospital, baba seemed to warm up to me the most and calls me his daughter as he says I look somewhat like her.

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