Chapter 8: You're still my twinny

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The wedding was set to happen in a month.

Jamal still acts distantly.

At work, Yasmin checked her schedule to see that she had no patients to see so she made my way to the cardiology department to see Maryam.
She entered the room to see her furiously flipping through angiography scans. She looked up to see who it was and immediately smiled.
"Amarya kenan" she said sweetly

Yasmin eyed her and sat down on the seat opposite hers.
"I have a lot on my mind" i said rubbing my temples

"What is it?" she asked looking worried

"I'm scared"

"Scared of what" she asked

Yasmin looked down and kept quiet.

"Tell me now" she whined.

"I'm scared of everything maryam, scared that the marriage won't work out. Scared that i'll end up disappointing my parents" she looked at her with teary eyes "scared that i'll end up actually loving him and not getting loved back. "

"Haba Yasmin, why do you always look at the negative side of things instead of the positive " she said sweetly " he isn't as bad as you think trust me. Besides, he lost his dad recently so he's still mourning. So i'm sure that explains his character. "

"I hope so" she said wiping my tears

"Ya Allah " Maryam said dramatically "wipe those tears cry baby" she added while passing Yasmin the tissue box.
"Your wedding is very soon, we better start preparing , we should start tomorrow since the Eid break starts today"
" But isn't it too late"
"Don't worry , allow me to work my magic."
"Yes ma."
"Yaushe zasu kawo lefe?(when are they bringing the gifts from the groom's family?)" She asked curiously
"I think within this week"


She was driving back home when she got a text from Fahad
"I just wired you some money. Use it for the wedding preparations "

Ever since she was given his number, they never spoke again.

She entered the house and checked jamal's room. He wasn't there so it meant that he was still at work.
Jamal works at Daddy's law firm. He took over after Daddy retired. Initially, Daddy wanted both of his children to study law but Yasmin chose medicine.
Mama studied mass communications but she never actually worked because according to her, working is stressful.
"Mekikeyi(what are you doing)" she heard a voice from behind and she quickly turned around to see jamal

"I was looking for you"

"Ohh" he said looking away.

She sat down on one of the couches in his room and patted beside her

"What do you want?" he asked as he sat down

"We need to talk " she said looking at him. "You've been avoiding me"

He kept quiet and continued looking around to prevent making eye contact with her.

"Is it about Fahad?" she asked while wincing

"You know it's about Fahad" he said.

"Do you want me to call off the wedding "

"Did you ask me before making the decision?" He asked irritatedly "it's not like you need my opinion anyways"

"Jamal everything happened fast" she explained "he said he wanted it soon, so i agreed"

"You should have told me right when you met him"

"I wanted to, but we were equally busy"

"You still could have"

"I am sorry " she said sincerely

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